Nuclear Disarmament A Way Forward

  • Publisher: Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses
    ISBN 81-86019-69-3
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    Task Force Members

    Satish Chandra, the principal author of this report, is a former Deputy National Security Advisor, Government of India. He has served at various positions in a career spanning over 3 decades in the Indian Foreign Service, including at the Conference on Disarmament, Geneva.

    N.S. Sisodia is the Director General of the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), New Delhi. He has earlier served as Secretary to Government of India in the Ministries of Finance and Defence. He was also Vice-Chancellor of the University of Udaipur.

    Arvind Gupta, a member of the Indian Foreign Service, holds the Lal Bahadur Shastri Chair at IDSA. He is also the Managing Editor of Strategic Analysis and Cluster Coordinator of the Internal Security and South Asia Clusters.

    G. Balachandran, a Visiting Fellow at the IDSA and the National Maritime Foundation, is a well-known scholar on nuclear issues and defence economics.

    Rajiv Nayan is a Research Officer at the IDSA working on nuclear issues for more than a decade.

    A. Vinod Kumar is an Associate Fellow at the IDSA with research interests in counter-proliferation and ballistic missile defences among other issues.

    Reshmi Kazi is an Associate Fellow at the IDSA with research interests in nuclear terrorism among other issues.

    S. Samuel C. Rajiv is a Researcher at the IDSA with research interests in disarmament and West Asian nuclear dynamics among other issues.

    Priyanka Singh is a Researcher at the IDSA with research interests in India-US relations and Pakistan among other issues.

    Saba Joshi is a Research Intern at the IDSA with research interests in nuclear issues.



    1 Approach to Nuclear Disarmament: Nuclear Weapon States and Non-Nuclear Armed States
    2. Current Nuclear Non-Proliferation Regime
    3. Threats and Challenges in a Nuclearized World
    4 Evolution of Thinking About Nuclear Weapons
    5 Route to the Elimination of Nuclear Weapons
    6 Policy Choices for India

    I. Status of World Nuclear Forces 2009
    II. Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, 1 July 1968
    III. NPT Revcon 2000, ‘13 Steps’ 71
    IV. UNSC Resolution 255, 19 June 1968
    V. UNSC Resolution 984, 11 April 1995
    VI. UNSC Resolution 1540, 28 April 2004
    VII. UNGA Resolution, 24 January 1946
    VIII. UNGA Resolution 1653, 24 November 1961
    IX. UNSC Resolution 1887, 24 September 2009
    X. NWC Verification Technologies
    XI. Rajiv Gandhi Action Plan, 9 June 1988
    XII. India’s Nuclear Doctrine, Press Release, 4 January 2003
    XIII. Amb. Hamid Ali Rao at CD, 10 October 2008
    XIV. UNGA Resolution 61/83, 18 December 2006

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