Multi-party Democracy in the Maldives and the Emerging Security Environment in the Indian Ocean Region

  • Anand Kumar
    Dr. Anand Kumar is an Associate Fellow at the Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (MP-IDSA), New Delhi. After completing his PhD from the School of International Studies,… Continue reading Multi-party Democracy in the Maldives and the Emerging Security Environment in the Indian Ocean Region read more
    Publisher: Pentagon Press
    ISBN 978-81-8274-895-8
    Price: ₹ 795Purchase Download E-copy

    About the Book

    Maldives is the smallest country of South Asia. But its significance is no less because of its crucial geo-strategic location in the Indian Ocean. It sits astride on major sea lanes of communications (SLOCs). However, the crucial geo-strategic location of the Maldives has also caused problems for the country as it has aroused interests of major world powers. They have tried to meddle into the domestic politics of the Maldives so that a favourable dispensation can come to power, which in turn would promote their interests in the Maldives and in the Indian Ocean region (IOR). Maldives became a multi-party democracy in October 2008 when a new constitution was implemented. This was a positive development in a hundred percent Sunni Muslim country, as a number of other Muslim countries were moving on the path of extremism. Ironically, the multiparty democracy also allowed rise in extremism as radicals used the available democratic space to their advantage. Unfortunately, the first democratic government in the Maldives could not complete its term and the ensuing political instability in the Maldives led to greater meddling by external powers in its domestic politics.

    This book is an attempt to understand the fledgling multiparty democracy in the Maldives, its foreign policy and the evolving security scenario in the Indian Ocean region.

    About the Author

    Dr. Anand Kumar is an Associate Fellow at the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), New Delhi. After completing his PhD from School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru Univesity (JNU), he joined the IDSA in 2007. His area of specialization is Maldives, Bangladesh, South Asian politics, Counter-terrorism, Proliferation of Small Arms and Low intensity conflicts. Before joining IDSA he worked at South Asia Analysis Group on similar themes. He has also been with the Institute for Conflict Management which specializes on Counter-terrorism.

    His first book Return from the Precipice: Bangladesh’s Fight Against Terrorism was published in year 2012. His edited volume The Terror Challenge in South Asia and Prospect of Regional Cooperation was published in 2011. He has published around 20 articles in reputed journals, contributed around 10 chapters in edited books and delivered lectures on security issues both in India and abroad. He has published hundreds of articles in leading newspapers and magazines. Some of the select publications are “Insurgency in South Asia muted by war on terror,” The Washington Times, January 16, 2004 and The Jihadi Next Door, The Washington Times, 20 May 2010



    Map of Maldives

      1. Introduction


      1. The Road to Multi-party Democracy
        Maldives and the British Suzerainty
        The First Written Constitution of the Maldives
        The Second Constitution
        Establishment of First Republican Government with theThird Constitution
        The Fourth Constitution Brings Elected Monarchy
        Establishment of Second Republic with the Fifth Constitution
        Establishment of Constitutional Assembly by Gayoom
        The 2008 Constitution


      1. Multi-party Democracy in the Maldives
        Presidential Election 2008
        Onset of Multi-party Democracy
        The 2009 Parliamentary Elections
        Emergence of the Political Rivalry
        Nasheed Gives up ‘Forgive and Forget’ Policy
        Power Struggle between the President and the Parliament
        Other Challenges before Nasheed’s Government
        A Legacy of Financial Crisis
        Economic Crisis Alienated People
        Rise of Islamic Fundamentalism
        Emergence of Religious Extremism in the Maldives
        Gayoom and the Islamic Extremists
        Emergence of Extremist OrganisationsInvolvement of Maldivians in Terror Attacks
        Islamists in Post-Gayoom Era
        Nasheed’s Government Admits Rising Extremism
        Extremism Hampered Promotion of Tourism
        The Unholy Alliance of Islamists and ‘Democrats’
        Nasheed’s Lack of Political Abilities
        Mishandling of the Political Crisis by Nasheed
        Political Transition or Coup
        Fumbling of Indian Diplomacy
        Setback to Multi-party Democracy


      1. Maldives under Waheed
        The GMR Controversy
        Indian Approach to Political Crisis in Maldives
      2. The Controversial Second Multi-party Elections
        The 2013 Presidential Elections
        Use of Institutions to Further Political and Electoral Interests
        Breaking-up of the Progressive Alliance and Change of Political Scenario
        Islamists under Abdulla Yameen
        Yameen’s Suppression of the Opposition and Re-alignment of Political Forces
        Future of Multi-party Democracy in the Maldives


      1. Changing Regimes and Maldivian Foreign Policy
        Maldives and Indian Interests
        Foreign Policy of the Maldives after Independence (Since 1965)
        Foreign Policy under Gayoom
        Foreign Policy under Nasheed
        Foreign Policy under Waheed
        Foreign Policy under Abdulla Yameen
        Implications for India


      1. Strategic Importance of the Indian Ocean and the Maldives
        Maritime Challenges in the IOR
        Protection of SLOCs
        Maritime Terrorism
        Security against Mining
        Natural Disasters and Oil-related Environmental Disasters
        Absence of a Unified Trans-Oceanic Community in the IOR
        Strategic Interests of the Major Indian Ocean Players
        Indian Interests in the Indian Ocean
        India’s Sea Power
        The US Interests in the Indian Ocean
        Strategic Interests of Australia in the IOR
        Japan’s Interests in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR)
        China’s Interests and Activities in the Indian Ocean
        Emergence of Chinese Maritime Security Interests
        China and the Maritime Silk Route
        China’s Seabed Mining Forays in the IOR
        India’s Attempt to Reinvigorate Policy towards the IOR
        Tri-Nation Maritime Agreement
        India’s five-fold Framework for Maritime Engagement in the IOR
        Maldives and Major Powers
        Changing Dynamics of the Indian Ocean Region


      1. Maldives and the Great Game in the Indian Ocean Region
        Maldives and Chinese Strategic Considerations
        Chinese Quest for Military Bases
        Maldives Amends Constitution to Enable Foreign Ownership of Land
        Chinese Military Diplomacy with the Maldives
        Negotiation of the US-Maldives SOFA Agreement
        India Striving to Maintain Security Environment of Indian Ocean
        The Emerging Security Scenario in the IOR


      1. The Future of Democracy in Maldives and Its Impact on the Security Environment in the Indian Ocean RegionAPPENDICES

        Appendix 1: Statement by His Excellency Mohamed Nasheed, President of the Republic of Maldives to the General Debate of the General Assembly

        Appendix 2: Proposed Agreement between The United States of America and The Republic of Maldives Regarding Status of Forces and Access to and use of Facilities in the Maldives

        Appendix 3: Outcome Document of the Second NSA-Level Meeting on Trilateral Cooperation on Maritime Security between India, the Maldives and Sri Lanka

        Appendix 4: Maldives



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