India and New Zealand: Emerging Challenges

Publisher: Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses
ISBN 81-86019-82-0
Price: ₹ 500/- Purchase Download E-copy

About the Book

The book is an attempt to highlight contemporary global issues and discuss them in the context of the role of India and New Zealand in dealing with those emerging challenges. An attempt has been made to put contemporary issues like multilateralism in Asia, global financial crisis, security aspects in the Asia Pacific, and the rise of China in perspective as well as discuss the nuances of bilateral ties between the two countries. The book explores areas such as regional peace and security issues. It also addresses the emerging challenges in different regional theatres of South Asia and the South Pacific. The contributors explore the emerging synergies in the context of promotion of democracy, a multicultural society, political pluralism as well as promotion of international understanding on issues like trade negotiations, regional multilateral networks, security and stability, and the role of the US and China in the region.



About the Contributors


Section-I:Multilateralism and Asia

1. Evolving East Asian Institutional Architecture
Rajaram Panda

2. Grand Designs?-The Promise and Pitfalls of Asia’s New Regionalism
David Capie

Section-II:Global Economic Crisis and Responses
3. The Global economy and Crisis: A New Zealand Perspective
Richard Grant

4. Global Financial Meltdown: Challenges and Opportunities for India
Indra Nath Mukherji

Section-III:Development and Security in Asia-Pacific
5. Perspectives on the Pacific
Brian Lynch

6. Emerging Political and Security Environment in South Asia
Smruti S Pattanaik

Section-IV:Security Challenges in Asia
7. China and Regional Security
Ramesh V Phadke

8. India’s China Problem: Perceptions, Dynamics and Regional Security
Xiaoming Huang

Section-V:US Policy in Asia- Concerns and Challenges
9. Twelve Months of the Obama Administration’s Policy in Asia
Mark G. Rolls

10. Engaging East Asia: Challenges before Obama
Rajaram Panda, Pranamita Baruah, and Shamshad A. Khan

Section-VI:Bilateral Engagement
11. India-New Zealand Relations: Perspectives from New Zealand
Rupert Holborow

12. Reconfiguring India- New Zealand Relations: Perspectives from India
Pankaj Jha

About the Contributors

Brian Lynch has had forty years of experience in the New Zealand public and private sectors. Almost half that time was spent in the New Zealand diplomatic service, including postings in New York, Singapore and London. Subsequently he was the Deputy Secretary of the Ministry of Transport. From 1992 to 2003 he was CEO of the Association of New Zealand Meat Companies. In 2004 Mr Lynch was made an Officer of the New Zealand Order of Merit for public service and service to the meat industry. He is Chairman of the Refugee Services Aotearoa, Education Wellington International and New Zealand Horticulture Export Authority, a Government appointee on the New Zealand Meat Board. He is currently Director of the New Zealand Institute of International Affairs. In addition he is a Director of two private companies. Earlier this year Mr Lynch recently stepped down as Alternate New Zealand Member of the Asia-Pacific Business Advisory Council (ABAC), a position he held for five years.

David Capie is Senior Lecturer in International Relations in Victoria University of Wellington. He has done BA (Hons) LLB VUW, MA from Australian National University and completed his PhD from York. His research interests focus on conflict and security issues in the Asia-Pacific region, and New Zealand’s foreign relations. He has authored or coauthored three books and numerous articles and book chapters. His research has been supported by the Rockefeller Foundation, the East-West Centre and the Royal Society of New Zealand’s Marsden Fund. In 2007 David was a Visiting Scholar at the Weatherhead Centre for International Affairs at Harvard University. David’s current research examines regional security institutions in the Asia Pacific region, with a particular interest in defence diplomacy and debates about norms and socialisation.

Indra Nath Mukherji is currently Senior Consultant, Research and Information System for Developing Countries, New Delhi. Prof. Mukherji, a gold medalist, did his Masters (MA) in Economics from the Patna University in 1964. Later in 1966, he did his Masters of Science (MSc) in Economics and Administration from Loughborough University of Technology (UK). He had been with the Jawaharlal Nehru University. During this time, he served twice as Chairman, Centre for South, Central, Southeast Asian and Southwest Pacific Studies in the School of International Studies, and Dean, School of International Studies from 2001-03. Prof. Mukherji haws completed over 17 research projects sponsored by the Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi, International Development Research Centre, Canada, SAARC Network of Researchers, South Asian Network of Economic Research Institutes, Indian Council for Research in International Economic Relations, and a number of national/international non-governmental organisations. He has served as a consultant/resource person/peer reviewer for ESCAP, World Bank, Ford Foundation, Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry, New Delhi, and a number of other governmental and non-governmental organisations.

Dr. Mark G. Rolls is a senior Lecturer and Co-Director International Relations & Security Studies Programme, Department of Political Science and Public Policy, University of Waikato. Mark Rolls has an MA in Defence and Security Analysis from Lancaster University, and a PhD from the University of Hull. He has held posts at the Institute of South East Asian Studies in Singapore and in the Department of International Politics, University of Wales, Aberystwyth. He is the co-editor of Post-Cold War Security Issues in the Asia-Pacific Region (Frank Cass, 1994, 2000) and the author of The Arms Dynamic in South East Asia during the Second Cold War (Ashgate, 2002). He contributed the chapter on East Asia to New Zealand in World Affairs IV 1990-2005 and is currently working on a project on New Zealand’s relations with South Asia for which he received a 2008 MFAT Historical Research Grant. Dr Rolls was a delegate to the eighth Shangri-La Dialogue and is a participant for New Zealand in the Track II process of political, economic and security dialogue in the Asia-Pacific region.

Dr. Pankaj Jha is Associate Fellow at the IDSA. He has done his PhD from the School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University and is an Economics Graduate from Delhi University. His areas of interests include India and New Zealand:Emerging Challenges Southeast Asia, terrorism, defence industry and related economic issues. He has presented papers in many international conferences/ seminars and has published more than forty research papers and articles in Strategic Analysis, Diaspora Studies, Indian Defence Review, Indian Ocean Digest, Dialogue, World Focus, India Quarterly and South Asian Politics. He has a number of Op-ed pieces in International Newspapers like Jakarta Globe and Gulf News. On the issue of terrorism in Southeast Asia he has written extensively, including issues pertaining to radical Islam and counter terrorism policies. He has also been contributing regularly in various websites on the developments in Southeast Asia through web commentaries. He has prepared two statistical digest on Defence Capabilities and Southeast Asia. He has also given lectures in Institute for South Asian Studies (ISAS), Singapore, Center for International Security Studies, Sydney University and has been a participant in Track II India-Australia and India-Malaysia bilateral dialogues.

Ms Pranamita Baruah is a Research Assistant at the IDSA. She completed her MPhil from the Department of East Asian Studies, Delhi University. Her area of interest is Japan and North Korea, nuclear disarmament and nonproliferation. She is currently pursuing PhD from Delhi University on the topic of “Impact of Nuclear Disarmament and non-Proliferation on the Peace and Security of East Asia. Pranamita also went on a two-year Mombusho Scholarship to Japan to pursue research on “US-Japan security alliance and its Impact on East Asia.”

Dr Rajaram Panda, Senior Fellow and Cluster Coordinator, China and South/Southeast Asia Cluster, at the IDSA, is a leading Japan specialist from India. Prior to joining the IDSA, he was ICSSR Fellow and Research Associate at the Centre for East Asian Studies SIS, JNU; Foreign Editor of Newstime Hyderabad; and Chief Programme Officer the Japan Foundation, New Delhi. He has presented a number of scholarly papers at national and international seminars and conferences in India, Japan, Sri Lanka and Australia on Japan’s economic, political and strategic issues as well as on the state of Japanese studies in India. He is a frequent contributor to leading Indian dailies on current issues of India-Japan relations. He has published two books (sole authored), four (co-edited), contributed chapters to twelve books, and over seventy-five research articles in professional journals in India, Japan, the US and the UK. Dr. Panda was Visiting Fellow at Hitotsubashi University, Japan (1979), Australian National University, Canberra (1979), and Asahi Shimbun Foundation Fellow at Reitaku University, Japan (1992-93).

Cmde R. V. Phadke (Retd) is Advisor (Research) at IDSA. Air Cmde R V Phadke (Retd) joined the Indian Air Force in 1964 and was commissioned in the fighter stream in June 1967. He retired from active service in August 2002. At the time he had worked as Air Force Member and Senior Fellow at IDSA for over three years. His areas of interest include: air power, national security and China’s military. He is the author of the book “China’s Power Projection Capabilities” (2005) and has also published many research papers including “PLA Air Force Shifting Air Power Balance”, a paper he wrote while visiting CISAC, Stanford University in 2001.

Dr Richard Grant is the Executive Director of the Asia New Zealand Foundation, a non-political, non profit, public-private sector foundation that aims to promote wider understanding in New Zealand of the countries and peoples of Asia. Dr Grant had a distinguished diplomatic career over 40 years working for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade in the Pacific, Europe, Australia and Asia. He is a former New Zealand Ambassador in Bonn and Paris and a former High Commissioner in London and Singapore. He has also represented New Zealand at the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development and held other senior positions including Deputy Secretary for External Economic and Trade Policy at the Foreign Ministry. Dr Grant received his doctorate at the University of Clermont- Ferrand, France. In 1999 he was a Visiting Scholar at the John F Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, and in 2004 was a Visiting Fellow at the Oxford Internet Institute, Oxford University. He took up his position at the Asia New Zealand Foundation in January 2008.

H.E. Mr Rupert Holborow took up his duties as New Zealand’s High Commissioner to India at the beginning of 2008 and presented his credentials to Her Excellency Smt. Pratibha Devisingh Patil, President of the Republic of India, on 13 February. Mr Holborow, who is also cross accredited to Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Nepal, has worked for the New Zealand Government for over 25 years – most recently in Wellington as ‘New Zealand Senior Official for APEC’ where he was closely involved in efforts to promote stronger habits of collaboration and cooperation between the 21 member economies in APEC. Mr Holborow has spent a good part of his career deepening New Zealand’s links with Asia having served both as Deputy Head of Mission in Indonesia as well as, at different times, Deputy in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ North Asia Division and Deputy in its South/South East Asia Division. In addition to this focus on Asia, Mr Holborow has devoted over eight years to the bilateral relationship with Australia – New Zealand’s largest and most multi-faceted relationship – having served twice in Canberra; first in 1986-1989 and more recently as Deputy High Commissioner 2000-2003. At other times in his career Mr Holborow has served as Private Secretary to the Minister of Trade Negotiations and headed up the Ministry’s Economic Division.

Dr. Shamshad Ahmad Khan is Research Assistant at the IDSA. He was a Mombusho Fellow and was affiliated with Waseda University, Tokyo as research student during his fellowship. He has completed his PhD on “Political Debates on Amending Japanese Pacifist Constitution” and MPhil on “Japanese Constitution: Relevance of Pacifism in the Post Cold War Period”. His area of interest is Japan, India-Japan relations. He also takes keen interest in Pakistan especially its internal politics. Mr. Khan was associated with Radio Japan NHK as a programme monitor and content analyst. He provided his service to the NHK from February 1998 to March 2007. Prior to joining IDSA, he worked with Press Trust of India, a premier Indian news agency, as a journalist at its New Delhi office.

Dr. Smruti Pattanaik is Research Fellow at the IDSA. She earned her Ph.D. from the South Asian Studies of the School of International Studies of the JNU. Her area of specialisation is South Asian politics focusing on the role of military, politics of identity and dynamics of India’s relations with its neighbours. Her current study focuses on “political Islam, religious militancy and the States in South Asia” making a comparison between Pakistan and Bangladesh, the two most important Muslim countries in the region. She has received a number of international fellowships. She was a Visiting Fellow at the Department of International Relations, Dhaka University in 2004 and 2007, Kodikara Fellowship in 1999 (RCSS, Colombo), and undertook field trip to Pakistan. She was a Post-doctoral Fellow at MSH 12 India and New Zealand:Emerging Challenges (Fondation Maison des Science de l’Homme), Paris in 2008 and was affiliated to the Centre for International Relations and Research (CERI, Science Po) and MSH (Paris) to conduct post-doctoral research on “Broadening Consensus in Fighting Religious Militancy/terrorism: Can Democracy in Pakistan Ensure regional stability”. She is the author of Elite Perception in Foreign Policy: Role of Print Media in influencing Indo-Pak Relations, 1989-99. She has published around 40 articles in reputed journals, contributed around 20 chapters in books, and delivered lectures on security issues both in India and abroad. Her recent publication include “Political Ascendancy of Religious Right in Bangladesh: A Case Study of Jamaat Islami” (Strategic Analyses, March 2009), and “Underlying Force: Religion Underpins Bangladesh’s Politics” (Jane’s Intelligence Review, February 2009).

Xiaoming Huang is Professor of International Relations at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand and Director of the New Zealand Contemporary China Research Centre. Professor Huang received his PhD in international relations from the University of Southern California (Los Angeles), and MA and BA from Peking University (Beijing), and has been a research/teaching fellow at the East-West Centre (Honolulu); the United Nations University (Tokyo); the Woodrow Wilson Centre for International Scholars (Washington DC); the Centre for International Studies/Pacific Council on International Policy (Los Angeles); University of Tampere (Finland); University of Trondheim (Norway); University of Pittsburgh; Peking University, Academy of Korean Studies (Seoul), Seikei University (Tokyo), and International Institute of Asian Studies (Leiden). Professor Huang teaches East Asian politics, international relations of East Asia, and China’s politics and international relations. Professor Huang’s research falls in the area of East Asia’s political economy, modern development of China, and international relations of East Asia. His publications appeared in International Studies Quarterly, Journal of International Relations and Development, Journal of the Asia-Pacific Economy, etc. He is author of The Rise and Fall of the East Asian Growth System: Institutional Competitiveness and Rapid Economic Growth (Routledge 2005), and Politics in Pacific Asia (Palgrave 2009). Professor Huang is currently working on a project examining the institutional dynamics of China’s great transformation in the past 30 years.

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