In Search of Congruence Perspectives on India-US Relations under the Obama Administration

Publisher: Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses
ISBN 81-86019-65-0
Price: ₹ 395/- Purchase Download E-copy

Publisher: Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (2010)
ISBN 81-86019-65-0
Rs. 395 [Order Now]

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About the Book

The Presidency of George W. Bush has been described as the best years of India-US relations. There is, however, no consensus on the future course of this relationship under his successor, Barack Obama. The incumbent’s record as a Senator, his pronouncements during the election campaign, his promise of a radical shift from his predecessor’s policies, and his approach on major security and foreign policy issues since becoming the President, have raised doubts about the future of IndiaUS relations. It has lent credence to the perception held by many analysts that Democratic presidents have traditionally not been good for India, swelling the ranks of sceptics who see a downtrend in the relationship.

How would the shifts in US priorities under President Obama impact on India-US relations? This collection of essays attempts to assess the complexities and prospective direction of India-US relations under the Obama administration. Each chapter in this volume, examines his pronouncements on major security and foreign policy issues from his election campaign days, and traces the current course of his policies in those areas and their possible implications for India. Being an early assessment of how the relationship is likely to evolve, this book should be of interest to policy makers, the business community and discerning scholars.

About the Editor

Thomas Mathew is the Deputy Director General at the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), New Delhi, where he heads the US, Europe Nuclear and the Military Clusters. He belongs to the Indian Administrative Service, and has held positions in the Government of India including at the Ministry of Defence. His research interests include India-US Relations and Military Issues. He has a PhD in International Relations from the Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi and is an alumnus of the National Defence College, New Delhi.


Foreword by N.S. Sisodia
1. Fault Lines in the Nascent Partnership: India-US Relations under the Obama Presidency
– Thomas Mathew

2. Reasonable Expectation or Carried Away by Hope? An American’s View of the Upcoming India-US Relationship
– Steven Hoffman

3. Re-focusing on India-US Economic Relations
– G. Balachandran and Cherian Samuel

4. The Obama Administration and Nuclear Issues
– Rajiv Nayan

5. Counter-proliferation under Obama: Will Bush’s ‘Forward Policy’ be Reversed?
– A. Vinod Kumar

6. US Policy towards Afghanistan under Obama Administration and Possible Indian Responses
– Shanthie D’Souza

7. US Policy towards Pakistan and Possible Indian Responses
– Priyanka Singh

8. The Obama Administration’s Energy Agenda: Vision and Challenges
– Samuel C. Rajiv

9. Obama’s China Policy and Emerging Trends in Sino-US Relations
– Jagannath P. Panda

10. The Indian-American Diaspora: A Bridge Between Two Democracies
– Cherian Samuel

Appendix I
Appendix II
Appendix III
Appendix IV
About the Contributors

About the Contributors

Thomas Mathew is Deputy Director General, IDSA

Steven Hoffman is Professor of Government at Skidmore College, New York

G. Balachandran is Visiting Fellow, IDSA and National Maritime Foundation

Rajiv Nayan is Research Officer, IDSA

Cherian Samuel is Associate Fellow, IDSA

Shanthie D’Souza is Associate Fellow, IDSA

A. Vinod Kumar is Associate Fellow, IDSA

Jagannath P. Panda is Associate Fellow, IDSA

Samuel C. Rajiv is Researcher, IDSA

Priyanka Singh is Researcher, IDSA

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