Global Power Shifts and Strategic Transition in Asia

  • Publisher: Academic Foundation
    ISBN 13-978-81-7188-751-4

    Price: ₹ 394

    About the Book

    The contemporary strategic context is increasingly defined by the rapid growth of major Asian economies and the rapidly increasing interest the major powers are evincing in the region. It has also resulted in a perceptible shift in power to the Asian continent. An assessment of how each of the major Asian powers and important external actors are responding to these developments is necessary for understanding the underlying concerns about peace and security in Asia in the 21st Century. What is the character of the emerging strategic context in Asia? How are the processes of globalisation, economic interdependence and diffusion of technologies shaping the Asian strategic context? What does the ‘Rise of Asia’ mean for global peace? How do regional perspectives inform the debate? What are the common threats and challenges? What are the prospects of fostering cooperative state behaviour in confronting the transnational threats? These are some of the issues that expert contributors discuss in this volume.

    Contents in Detail

    About the Editors/Contributors

    Section I
    Indian Perspectives

    1. The Asian Transition and India’s Emerging Strategy
    Sujit Dutta
    2. India’s Role in Asian Security: The Eightfold Path
    C. Raja Mohan

    Section II
    Global Perspectives

    3. The Chinese Concept of ‘Twenty Years’ Strategic Opportunities’ and its Implications for Asian Security Order
    Xu Xin
    4. Japan and the East Asian Security in the Twenty-first Century
    Shigekatsu Kondo
    5. On the History and Practice of Unilateralism in East Asia
    Bruce Cumings
    6. Reformatting the Asian Strategic Context
    Yevgeniy M. Kozhokin
    7. Europe in Asia: In Search of a Strategic Approach
    Gudrun Wacker
    8. Australia and the Asian Strategic Context: Balancing Relations with the Major Powers
    James Cotton

    Section III
    Multilateralism and Asian Security in the Twenty-first Century

    9. Peace-Building in the Twenty-first Century: Towards Greater Operational Coherence and Relevance
    Gregory J.B. Mills
    10. Multilateral Institutions and Major-Power Cooperation: A Framework for Analysis
    Robert Ayson
    11. Shanghai Cooperation Organisation and Asian Multilateralism in the Twenty-first Century: A Critical Assessment
    Phunchok Stobdan
    12. Regional Security and Regional Cooperation: ASEAN and SAARC Compared
    Bharti Chhibber
    13. The Role of Asian Multilateral Security Institutions: A Constructivist Point of View
    Wong Ming-Hsien
    14. Cooperative Framework for Asian Security in the Twenty-first Century: Climate Change and Environment
    P.K. Gautam

    Section IV
    Nationalism and Rise of Asia

    15. Japanese Nationalism: Implications for Asian Security
    Arpita Mathur
    16. In Defence of Identity: Chinese Nationalism and Asian Security
    Abanti Bhattacharya
    17. Theorising the Rise of Asia: Global Power Shifts and State Responses
    Namrata Goswami



    Robert Ayson is Director of Studies, Graduate Studies, Strategic and Defence Studies Centre, Australian National University, Canberra.

    Abanti Bhattacharya is Associate Fellow at IDSA, New Delhi.

    Bharti Chhibber is lecturer in Political Science at Miranda House, University of Delhi.

    James Cotton is Professor of Politics, University of New South Wales at the Australian Defence Force Academy, Canberra.

    Bruce Cumings is Professor of History at University of Chicago.

    Sujit Dutta is Senior Fellow at IDSA, New Delhi.

    P.K. Gautam is Research Fellow at IDSA, New Delhi.

    Namrata Goswami is Associate Fellow at IDSA, New Delhi.

    Shigekatsu Kondo is Senior Research Fellow and Executive Director of National Institute for Defense Studies (NIDS), Tokyo.

    Yevgeniy M. Kozhokin is Director, Russia’s Institute for Strategic Studies (RISS), Moscow.

    Arpita Mathur is Associate Fellow at IDSA, New Delhi.

    Gregory J.B. Mills directs the Johannesburg-based Brenthurst Foundation.

    Wong Ming-Hsien is Senior Advisor in National Security Council, R.O.C and Associate Professor at Graduate Institute of International Affairs and Strategic Studies, Tamkang University, Taiwan.

    C. Raja Mohan is Professor at S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

    Phunchok Stobdan is Senior Fellow at IDSA, New Delhi.

    Gudrun Wacker is Head of Research Unit Asia at Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (German Institute for International and Security Affairs), Berlin.

    Xu Xin is Associate Director of the China and Asia-Pacific Studies Program and Adjunct Associate Professor in the Department of Government at Cornell University, New York.

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