Balochistan in Turmoil: Pakistan at Crossroads

Publisher: Manas Publications 978-81-7049-307-5
ISBN 81-86019-58-8
Price: ₹ 595/-

The book is about Balochistan, the largest province in Pakistan. Baloch never wanted to join Pakistan and since its creation have challenged the Pakistani authority in almost every decade of Pakistan’s existence as an independent entity. The region is once again in the throes of violence. Baloch alienation with Pakistan is almost complete and external players are fishing in the troubled waters. The book covers the developments in post colonial Balochistan, its geo-political significance, and the underlying grievances of the Baloch. It makes an attempt to analyse the reasons for current revival of violence in Balochistan and highlights the current situation in the region. It also attempts to forecast the possible implications of continuing violence in Balochistan on Pakistan and the region.

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Keywords: Balochistan, Pakistan