Africa and Energy Security: Global Issues, Local Responses

Publisher: Academic Foundation
ISBN 13-978-81-7188-754-5
Price: ₹ 895/-

About the Book

In current debates on the geopolitics of energy security, the spotlight has fallen on Africa as a key source of oil and gas outside the volatile West Asia. The American, European and Asian oil companies are rushing to acquire a stake in Africa’s oil wealth. This book represents an effort to go beyond state-centred views of energy security, bridging local perspectives on energy resources and global framing of energy as a security concern. It brings together contributions from an international team of experts and eminent persons in African affairs to provide an analytically rich assessment of Africa’s role in the global search for oil, the multiple consequences of energy production across the African continent and India’s multifarious approach to Africa. The analysis is enriched by Indian and African perspectives and anchored in detailed country case studies.

About the Editors

Ruchita Beri is a Research Officer at Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA). She specialises on political and security issues of Sub-Saharan Africa. She has an M.Phil from the Centre for West Asian and African Studies, School of International Studies (SIS), Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi and a Diploma on Conflict Studies from the Department of Peace and Conflict Research, Uppsala University, Sweden. She is currently the Vice President of the African Studies Association of India and an alumna of the Women in International Security (WIIS), USA. She has lectured at the National Defence College, New Delhi and College of Naval Warfare, Mumbai. She has published several articles in books and academic journals.

Uttam Kumar Sinha is a Fellow at IDSA, New Delhi. He is also the assistant editor of Strategic Digest and Member, Editorial Board, Strategic Analysis. He is a PhD in International Politics and before joining IDSA was in the editorial team of The Pioneer and wrote the weekly column titled Strategic Eye. He is a visiting fellow to PRIO (International Peace Research Institute, Oslo) and Visiting Professor at the Malviya Centre for Peace Research, BHU (Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi). He has edited “UN Multilateralism and International Security” and is co-author of the book “Iraq War 2003: Rise of the New Multilateralism”. He was awarded the 2008 Indo-British Chevening Gurukul Scholarship at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).



Section I
African Oil and India’s Approach

1. India and Africa: Sharing a Robust Partnership
— Anand Sharma
2. Energy Cooperation and Development of Africa
— Nalin Surie
3. Africa, as a New Frontier: Global Competition for Oil and India’s Approach — James Shikwati
4. India and Africa: Towards an Energy Partnership
— Ruchita Beri
5. India and African Oil
— Mike Musaka

Section II
African Oil: Opportunities and Challenges

6. Thinking Energy Security in the Global Age
— Girijesh Pant
7. Africa’s Commodity Boom: The Pitfalls of Change without Reform
— Daniel Bach
8. Chinese Oil Companies in Africa: Very Different or More of the Same? — Ricardo Soares de Oliveira
9. Africa as China’s Cornucopia: The Changing Role of Beijing’s Resource Diplomacy — Chris Alden

Section III
Oil Dynamics: African Cases

10. Nigeria’s Oil in Global Energy Security: Critical Issues and Challenges — Cyril I. Obi
11. Oil Development in Sudan
— Asim I. El Moghraby
12. Angola’s Resources: From Conflict to Development
— Ana Cristina Alves
13. Oil Factor in African Conflicts: The Case of Chad
— Karim Bathily
14. Sudan: Beyond the Oil Curse
— Alsir Sidahmed


About the Contributors

Chris Alden is Reader, International Relations Department, London School of Economics and Political Science. He has taught at University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa and Emmanuel College, Boston, Massachusetts. As a MacArthur Post-Doctoral Fellow at Cambridge University, Dr. Alden worked on the role of the United Nations and the demilitarisation of conflict in the Third World. He has been a Visiting Professor at the Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo and at Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto and also at Ecole Normale Superieure (Cachan), Paris. Dr. Chris Alden has a PhD from Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University. He has been a consultant to World Bank, CLSA and JP Morgan. He has published several books including: China Returns to Africa: A Rising Power and a Continent Embrace (co-edited with Dan Large and Ricardo Soares de Oliveira) and China in Africa.

Ana Cristina Alves is currently a doctoral student at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), International Relations department, conducting research on China’s relations with the Third World, focusing on the Portuguese speaking Countries. She is lecturer at the Institute for Social and Political Sciences Technical University of Lisbon where she teaches Asia-related subjects. She is also a researcher at the Instituto do Oriente, and has published several articles on the Overseas Chinese in SE Asia, China’s political ideology, China’s relations with Portuguese speaking countries as well as co-authored Macau in the Pearl River Delta and RAE Macau: Cinco anos. She sits on the editorial board of Daxiyangguo: Portuguese Journal of Asian Studies, a bilingual journal published by Instituto do Oriente.

Daniel Bach is a Professorial Fellow at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) and a Professor at Sciences Po Bordeaux. He holds the Diplome d’Habiliation à Diriger des Recherches (Bordeaux I University), a D.Phil from Oxford University, a DES from Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne) University and a Diploma of the Institut d’Etudes Politiques of Grenoble II University. He has taught at Obafemi Awolowo University, Ife-Ife (Nigeria), the University of Montréal, ISCTE in Lisbon, Boston University and Ritsumeikan University. He has published on the political economy of Nigerian federalism; the foreign policies of Nigeria and South Africa; regionalism, regional institutions and the regionalisation processes in Africa; the interactions between Africa’s regionalisation processes and the globalisation of the world economy; various aspects of relations between France, the European Union, China and Africa. He is preparing a book on Africa and international relations theory.

Karim Bathily is Deputy Chief of Economic Bureau, Embassy of Senegal in China and a researcher with the School of International Relations and Public Affairs, Fudan University, Shanghai. He is the Coordinator of UVA (African Virtual University), a joint programme between Howard University and Saint Luis University of Senegal. His area of research interest includes African studies and Sino-African relation.
Asim I. El Moghraby is an environmentalist specialising in water and natural resources management with over 42 years of experience. He retired as a professor from the Department of Ecology at the University of Khartoum. He was the first Sudanese director of the Hydrobiological Research Unit and the founding director of the Institute of Environmental Studies. Since 2005, he has been on the Board of Trustees of Friends of Peace and Development (FPDO)—a Sudanese NGO working in the war affected areas, mainly on de-mining. He was a founding member of the prestigious Sudanese Academy of Science (SNAS), and has been on the Board of Directors of SLIRI, a Sudanese NGO with strong international connections dealing with information on mines in the Sudan (e.g., UN Landmines Action Service-UNMAS). Since 2001, he has been Chairman of Partners in Environmental Sustainability (PIES), a private company involved in Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). He has also been a member of the Advisory Board to the Minister of Environmental and Physical Planning in Khartoum; and since 1999, on the Advisory Board to the Minister of Animal Resources and Fisheries.

Mike Musaka works as a Consultant for the Direct Conflict Prevention Programme for the Institute for Security Studies (ISS) in Addis Ababa. Prior to this he was Senior Humanitarian Affairs Officer for African Union Mission (AMIS) for Peace Keeping Operation in Darfur, Sudan. His other assignments include: General Supervisor for the Technical Team for the African Union (AU) Symbols (Anthem, Emblem and Flag) Project Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; Senior Conference and Events Organiser for the Transition Planning Support Team (TPST) for the Organisation of African Unity/African Union (OAU/AU), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; Deputy Director for Information and Publicity; Zimbabwe; Area Manager for Zimbabwe Newspapers; Senior Administrative Officer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Zimbabwe Government. He has an MA in Peace Studies from Bradford University and MA in Political Science from Carleton University, Canada.

Cyril I. Obi is currently the Coordinator of the research programme on Post-Conflict Transition, the State and Civil Society in Africa, at the Nordic Africa Institute (NAI) in Uppsala. He is presently on leave from the Nigerian Institute of International Affairs (NIIA), Lagos, where he is an Associate Research Professor. In 2004, Dr. Obi became the second Claude Ake Professor. He has over a hundred publications, comprising edited books, monographs, journal articles and chapter contributions, some of which have been translated into French, Arabic, Italian, Norwegian, German, and Spanish. He also serves on the editorial boards of several academic journals. He is active in the networks of the Nigerian Political Science Association (NPSA), The Swedish Network of Peace, Conflict and Development Research, the International Studies Association (ISA), the Canadian Association of African Studies (CAAS), African Association of Political Science (AAPS), CODESRIA, and international academic networks in Europe and North America.

Girijesh Pant is the Vice Chancellor, Doon University, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India. He holds a Masters degree in Economics from Allahabad University and a doctorate from the School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. Prof. Pant is currently working on India’s energy security, globalisation and the West Asian economies and corporate social responsibility. He has authored and edited eight books and published more than fifty research articles. He was Vice Chancellor, GGD University, Bilaspur, India and Vice President, Indian Academy of Social Sciences. He was Senior Fulbright Fellow at the University of Illinois, USA. He is also President of the Indian Academy of Social Science, Delhi Chapter.

Anand Sharma is the Minister of State for External Affairs, Government of India. He has been a prominent public face of the Indian National Congress and was Chief Spokesman of the party for six years. He was elevated to the Union Council of Ministers with responsibility for Foreign Affairs in January 2006. He is recognised for his personal commitment to the struggle against apartheid in South Africa. As President of the Indian Youth Congress, he was instrumental in convening an International Youth Conference against Apartheid in New Delhi to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the African National Congress in January 1987. In addition to being Chairman of the Indian Anti-Apartheid Movement, he also chaired the World Youth Action against Apartheid. He was appointed to observe the South African Transition Process and Elections in 1994 by the Commonwealth Secretary-General.

James Shikwati is the Founder and Director of the Inter Region Economic Network—a think tank and consultancy firm that focuses on ideas and strategies geared towards economic development in Africa. He is also the founder and owner of The African Executive—a weekly opinion and business magazine and the Country Director of SIFE Kenya—an organisation that promotes business thinking among university undergraduates. He also serves as a member of the following bodies among others: World Agricultural Forum; The Economic and Social Cultural Council of the African Union; The Mont Pelerin Society; The Creative Economy (Africa); and The Republican Club (Kenya). Mr Shikwati was named among the top 100 most influential Kenyans in a study that was conducted by The East African Standard Group in 2007. He was named among the 245 Young Global Leaders of 2008 by the Forum of Young Global Leaders, an affiliate of the World Economic Forum.

Alsir Sidahmed is a media consultant and a freelance journalist. He is a regular columnist in Al-Eqtisadiah, a Saudi business daily; Al-Ray Al-Aam, a daily in Khartoum and Sudan Vision, an English daily also published from Khartoum. He is an occasional contributor in the online service Sudan Tribune, the Pan-Arabic daily newspaper; the London-based Asharq Alawsat, the Toronto-based The Globe and Mail. Some of his journalist assignment includes Managing Editor and founding member of Al-Eqtisadiah, the first Saudi business daily in Arabic from Jeddah; Riyadh Bureau Chief, Arab News, the first Saudi English daily; Senior Editor, Saudi Business magazine, Jeddah and Editor, Sudanow magazine, an English language monthly, Khartoum. He is co-author of Sudan, a country series on the Contemporary Middle East.

Ricardo Soares de Oliveira is a University Lecturer in Comparative Politics (African Politics) at the Department of Politics and International Relations, Oxford University; Fellow of St. Peter’s College, Oxford University and a Fellow with the Global Public Policy Institute, Berlin. He is the author of Oil and Politics in the Gulf of Guinea and a co-editor of China Returns to Africa: A Rising Power and a Continent Embrace (with Daniel Large and Chris Alden) and The New Protectorates: International Tutelage and the Building of Liberal States (with James Mayall, in prep.). He is also a contributing author to Bottom of the Barrel: Africa’s Oil Boom and the Poor among many other publications. He holds a BA in Politics from the University of York, an M.Phil in International Relations and a PhD, both from the University of Cambridge.

Nalin Surie joined the Indian Foreign Service in July 1973 and is currently Secretary (West), Ministry of External Affairs. He served in Indian Missions in Hong Kong, Brussels, Dar-es Salaam, Thimpu (Deputy Chief of Mission), New York (1994-1997: Deputy Permanet Representative to the UN), Warsaw (1997-2000: Ambassador), and Beijing (2003-2006: Ambassador). He has a Masters in Economics from the Delhi School of Economics.

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Keywords: Africa, Energy Security
Uttam Kumar Sinha

Uttam Kumar Sinha

Senior Fellow

Ruchita Beri

Ruchita Beri


Uttam Kumar Sinha

Uttam Kumar Sinha

Senior Fellow

Ruchita Beri

Ruchita Beri
