Defence Sector Reforms: A Long Haul
Although the new measures announced to fast-track the defence sector are significant, they do not add up to a comprehensive and overarching reforms package.
- Amit Cowshish |
- May 20, 2020 |
- IDSA Comments
Although the new measures announced to fast-track the defence sector are significant, they do not add up to a comprehensive and overarching reforms package.
An informed scenario would be to release the weight of unsustainable debts, allowing the developing countries to focus on domestic sustainable development aimed at achieving climate neutrality, instead of developed countries’ over-emphasis on fossil fuel in their economic recovery packages.
Driven by the Covid-19 pandemic, the economic challenges for India emanating from the Gulf region are highly imminent and discernible.
It might be difficult to prove any weaponisation intent or man-made origins to the SARS-CoV-2. Yet, the mass deaths and disruption caused by the virus forebodes imminent exploitation of biological agents for political ends.
Riding the technology wave, China eyes global dominance of RMB as a reserve currency and a favourable international monetary environment for its economic development.
Redrafting the chapter on post-contract management, expatiating the concept of contract operating officers and clearly defining their role and responsibilities vis-à-vis the other agencies, could go a long way in serving its purpose.
In the last 20 months of his rule, Prime Minister Imran Khan has not only failed to solve his people’s problems but also has made the life of the common man miserable.
Humanity is much better equipped today to mitigate the loss in life and collateral economic damage resulting from a pandemic, as demonstrated through the deployment of new-age tools such as artificial intelligence, big data, machine learning, neural networks and internet of things.
It would be advisable to review the proposed offset guidelines keeping in view the feedback from the industry, especially the foreign vendors who carry the primary obligation to execute the offset contract, as also the legacy issues.
Any dichotomy between the individual rights of the people and the powers of the state has to be dealt with through a nuanced approach.