What Should Define Integration of Armed Forces?
Unless the armed forces and the security establishment take a singular approach to warfighting, which includes evolving a singular concept of warfighting, identifying threats and challenges, and medium and long-term capability development goals, differences that make headlines will continue to recur time and again.
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Indigenisation – In Need of Policy Framework
There is a need to formulate a composite policy that focuses on indigenisation in high priority technology areas, shedding the notion that it must necessarily result in savings. A more modest and focussed mission-mode approach to indigenisation can produce better results.
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Challenges for Israel’s New Coalition Government
The formation of a new coalition government may have ended the two-year-long stalemate in Israeli politics, but considering its razor-thin majority in the parliament and notable differences of opinion among various constituent parties, its sustainability remains to be seen.
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Outcomes of the First Biden-Erdo?an Meeting
While Ankara can take respite in President Biden’s decision to continue discussions on contentious issues, it would have to invest more diplomatic capital to overcome the challenges facing its relations with the US.
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Testing Times for Democracy in Nepal
The public faith in the constitution and political system in Nepal has eroded drastically in last one year. However, for now, all eyes are set on whether the Supreme Court would validate the President’s May 22 action.
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