India – Tanzania Ties Get A Fillip

Despite the decline in piracy, there are other threats such as threat of illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing. The recent discovery of large deposits of natural gas off the country's sea coast has made the Tanzanian government vary of threat to the emerging natural gas infrastructure in the region and it is open to finding new partners, like India, to deal with this peril.

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Regional Powers in Libya

Libya has ripened into a proxy war between the regional powers. While Qatar, Turkey and Sudan have been supporting the Libya Dawn and General National Congress (GNC) based in Tripoli, Egypt and United Arab Emirates (UAE) are backing the internationally recognised government based in Tobruk and its allied General Khalifa Haftar's Operation Dignity. However, such a proxy war will only destabilise Libya.

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Combating Gulf Of Guinea Piracy – Between ‘Devil’ and the ‘Deep Sea’

Since 2012, the Gulf of Guinea has emerged as one of the most pirate-infested
waters in the world, posing an urgent security threat to the maritime environment. While the total number of piracy incidents world-wide has fallen in recent years… attacks on the west coast of Africa have witnessed a steady rise, now accounting for nearly a fifth of all attacks.

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