The Other Kashmir: Society, Culture and Politics in the Karakoram Himalayas Publisher: Pentagon Press The book deals with the historical, cultural, geopolitical, strategic, socio-economic and political perspectives on the entire Karakoram-Himalayan region. It is based on the papers contributed by area specialists and experts from the region. ISBN 978-81-8274-797-5, Price: ?. 1495/- E-copy available K. Warikoo Book
The Unfinished War in Afghanistan: 2001-2014 Publisher: Pentagon Press This book makes a modest attempt to contribute to the ongoing debate on future challenges for Afghanistan as the largest ever coalition of Western forces prepares to withdraw. It seeks to examine key political developments within Afghanistan over the last one decade in response to the US-led Western military and political intervention. ISBN 978-81-8274-762-3, Price: ₹ 1495/- E-copy available Vishal Chandra Book
Andaman and Nicobar Islands : India’s Untapped Strategic Assets Publisher: Pentagon Press The author argues that though the islands are an environmentally sensitive region, its strategic importance in the present day context for India cannot be diminished. The book offers suggestions about ways in which India can leverage the geographical location of the islands, especially the Great Nicobar Island at the western entrance of the Straits of Malacca, to tap the potential of the islands to meet India's commercial and security challenges without www sacrificing the environmental concerns ISBN 978-81-8274-774-6, Price: ?. 995/- E-copy available Sanat Kaul Book
Asian Strategic Review 2015: India as a Security Provider Publisher: Pentagon Press India’s role as a security provider has increasingly been discussed and debated over a period of time. This has received a fillip as a result of India's growing capabilities, both economic and military. The 2015 edition of the Asian Strategic Review, is possibly the first book which analyses this facet in the Asian context. The book assesses India's capabilities as well as existing limitations. It contextualizes India's role in relation to important regions. Multinational fora and specific countries in Asia. The publication aims to provide greater clarity on the past, present and future contours of India's role as a security provider, in light of evolving strategic contours and its security implications. ISBN 978-81-8274-825-5, Price: ₹ 995/- E-copy available S. D. Muni , Vivek Chadha Book
China Yearbook 2013 Publisher: Magnum Books Pvt Ltd An annual publication from the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), the China Yearbook is a round-up of events and issues of significance that occurred in China during the past year and covers important developments in the domestic and foreign policy spheres. ISBN 978-93-82512-24-0, Price: ₹ 795/- E-copy available Naval Jagota Book
Emerging Strategic Trends In Asia Publisher: Pentagon Press There is little doubt that Asia – stretching from the Eurasian landmass to the maritime reaches of Australia and the South Pacific – is experiencing a major shift in the global balance of power. Expressions like the ‘Indo-Pacific’ and ‘Asia-Pacific’, contested they maybe, capture Asia’s expanse and dynamism. A power shift from the West to the East is well under way. ISBN 978-81-8274-823-1, Price: ₹ 1095/- E-copy available Uttam Kumar Sinha Book
Lifeblood of Terrorism: Countering Terrorism Finance Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing India Terrorism finance has aptly been termed as the lifeblood of terrorism. Yet, this remains one of the most under researched facets of terrorism. This limitation is even more apparent in the Indian context, despite the fact that the country has faced the scrouge of terrorism and insurgency for over five decades. Lifeblood of Terrorism: Countering Terrorism Finance, is the first book on the subject in an Indian context. ISBN 978-93-84052-18-8, Price: ?. 599/- E-copy available Vivek Chadha Book
India and South Asia: Exploring Regional Perceptions Publisher: Pentagon Press Perceptions play a very significant role in South Asian politics. They have largely shaped and influenced state policies and politics among the South Asian countries, especially in relation to India, over the years. State policies have at times been hostage to negative or adversarial perceptions, well-entrenched in the popular psyche. The perception formation in South Asia is an extremely dynamic process and has evolved differently in different countries. Perceptions are not static and often change with the shift in domestic as well as regional and global politics. ISBN 978-81-8274-812-5, Price: ₹ 995/- E-copy available Vishal Chandra Book
Non-Traditional Security Challenges in Asia: Approaches and Responses Publisher: Pentagon Press Asia is challenged by a number of non-traditional security issues including the food–energy–water nexus, climate change, transnational crime, terrorism, disaster relief and economic performance. This volume categorizes and clarifies some key emerging issues in the area and looks at their interconnectedness and implications. ISBN 978-11-3889-253-8, Price: $110.00/- Shebonti Ray Dadwal , Uttam Kumar Sinha Book
Delhi Dialogue VI: Realising the ASEAN-India Vision for Partnership and Prosperity Publisher: Pentagon Press This volume is based on the proceedings of Delhi Dialogue VI held in March 2014. It epitomizes the growing dialogue between India and ASEAN at all levels. Delhi Dialogue brings together practitioners, corporate leaders, opinion makers, academics and journalists, every year, to discuss a wide range of issues of common interest and concern that animate India - ASEAN relationship . Discussions held at the Delhi Dialogue, subsequent to ASEAN Commemorative issuing the ‘Vision Statement’ in 2012, provide a good insight into the likely scenarios and possible trends in the post-2015 era. ISBN 978-81-8274-829-3, Price: ?.795/- E-copy available Rumel Dahiya , Udai Bhanu Singh Book