United Nations: Multilateralism and International Security Publishers: IDSA and Shipra ISBN: 81-7541-224-0 Rs 1250 US $ 80 Uttam Kumar Sinha , C Uday Bhaskar , K. Santhanam , Tasneem Meenai | | Book
India and the World Publishers: IDSA and Promilla & Co. ISBN: 81-86019-50-02 Rs 1175 US $ 45 N. S. Sisodia , Sujit Dutta | | Book
Emerging India: Security and Foreign Policy Perspectives Publishers: IDSA and Promilla & Co. ISBN: 81-86019-51-0 Rs 795 US $ 30 N. S. Sisodia , C Uday Bhaskar | | Book
India-Japan Relations: Partnership for Peace and Security in Asia Publishers: Promilla & Co. and Bibliphile South Asia ISBN: 81-85002-76-2 Rs. 295 US $ 14.95 N. S. Sisodia , G. V. C. Naidu | | Book
West Asia in Turmoil : Implications for Global Security Publisher: Academic Foundation ISBN 13 : 978-81-7188-626-5 ISBN 10 : 81-7188-626-4 Rs. 895 US $ 69.95 Ashok K. Behuria , N. S. Sisodia | | Book
Asian Strategic Review 2007 Publisher: Academic Foundation The volume, divided into four sections, deals with strategic developments pertaining to Asia. Recognising the diverse 'push' and 'pull' factors impinging on a country's strategic posture, the volume starts off by dealing with issues which the Advisory Committee of Experts guiding this publication felt were of immediate relevance. ISBN 978-81-7188-667-8, Price: ?. 795/- S. D. Muni | | Book
Changing Security Dynamics in Southeast Asia Publisher: Magnum Books The 21st century has been described as the ‘Asian Century.’ Home to 60 per cent of the world’s population and accounting for one-fourth of its Gross Domestic Product, by 2050, Asia will also have three of the world’s largest economies—China, India, and Japan. A dynamic hub in this rising Asia is the Southeast Asian region—encompassing diverse countries, peoples and cultures. The 9th Asian Security Conference addressed a range of issues and trends affecting this crucial region and their implications for regional and Asian security. ISBN 978-81-7541-430-3, Price: ?. 795/- Sreeradha Datta , N. S. Sisodia | | Book
IDSA Asian Strategic Review 2008 Publisher: Academic Foundation IDSA Asian Strategic Review 2008, the second volume in the series of Annual Surveys revived by the Institute in the previous year, is divided into six sections. ISBN 13: 978-81-7188-712-5, Price: ? 995 S. D. Muni | | Book
Global Power Shifts and Strategic Transition in Asia Publisher: Academic Foundation The contemporary strategic context is increasingly defined by the rapid growth of major Asian economies and the rapidly increasing interest the major powers are evincing in the region. It has also resulted in a perceptible shift in power to the Asian continent. ISBN 13-978-81-7188-751-4, Price: ? 394 V. Krishnappa , N. S. Sisodia | | Book
Space Security and Global Cooperation Publisher: Academic Foundation For the last five decades artificial satellites are being used to perform diverse roles in astronomy, atmospheric studies and education. They have been found useful for reconnaissance, meteorology, navigation, communication and search & rescue. ISBN 13-978-81-7188-741-5, Price: ? 695 Ajey Lele , Gunjan Singh | | Book