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The US Factor in Sino-Indian Relations: India’s Fine Balancing

The monograph seeks to determine the extent to which the US is a factor as an intervening variable in the complex relationship between the two countries. The study attempts to probe the research question as to how China perceives U.S policy towards India in particular, and whether growing Indo-US ties can affect China's security interest negatively.

Central Asia: India’s Northern Exposure

It is time for India to reconnect with a rapidly-changing Central Asia—increasingly the focus of world attention, and rivalry among the great powers over security and energy stakes. India too has high stakes in Central Asia, and a cogent policy outlook is long overdue.

Human Resource Management in the Armed Forces

Human Resource Management (HRM) in the Armed Forces is a vital issue because its strength has always been the soldier. This monograph analyses the challenges of HRM in the Armed Forces with specific focus on transition of soldiers to a second career, as service personal retire at a comparatively young age when their personal responsibilities are at the peak.