Changing Contexts of Chinese Military Strategy and Doctrine This monograph identifies the contexts which have shaped China's military strategy and doctrine. It argues that these have evolved through Party-Military relations as well as through the Chinese leadership's assessment of the international balance of power. In this framework, the monograph has traced the PLA's strategic and doctrinal transformation from a defensive one to one of limited offence, having global aspirations, affecting further changes in China's military strategy and doctrine. Prashant Kumar Singh | 2016 | Monograph
Nanotechnology: The Emerging Field for Future Military Applications This monograph traces the R&D initiatives being undertaken in nanotechnology, followed by specific applications which are relevant for the Indian defence forces. It also attempts to foresee how nanotechnology-enabled applications are likely to impact the future battlefield. Sanjiv Tomar | 2015 | Monograph
Kautilya’s Arthashastra: Contemporary Issues and Comparison In order to make a work relevant, scholarly attempts to study the text such as Kautilya’s Arthashastra, and then critically apply it to explain, compare and understand contemporary issues is necessary. This monograph intends to fulfil this aim in a small way. P. K. Gautam | 2015 | Monograph
The US Factor in Sino-Indian Relations: India’s Fine Balancing The monograph seeks to determine the extent to which the US is a factor as an intervening variable in the complex relationship between the two countries. The study attempts to probe the research question as to how China perceives U.S policy towards India in particular, and whether growing Indo-US ties can affect China's security interest negatively. R N Das | 2015 | Monograph
Defence Offsets: International Best Practices and Lessons for India The Monograph provides a comprehensive roadmap for reforming India’s defence offset policy which despite having gone through several rounds of revisions in past decade or so, still lacks effectiveness. The roadmap is based on extensive study of offset practices followed by six countries: Canada, Israel, Malaysia, South Korea, Turkey and the UAE. Laxman Kumar Behera | 2015 | Monograph
Central Asia: India’s Northern Exposure It is time for India to reconnect with a rapidly-changing Central Asia—increasingly the focus of world attention, and rivalry among the great powers over security and energy stakes. India too has high stakes in Central Asia, and a cogent policy outlook is long overdue. P. Stobdan | 2015 | Monograph
State versus Nations in Pakistan: Sindhi, Baloch and Pakhtun Responses to Nation Building The present monograph traces the origins of the Pakistani state and the processes that encouraged the state-sponsored efforts to build a Pakistani nation, and seeks to isolate various problems associated with such nation-building efforts. Ashok K. Behuria | 2015 | Monograph
Illegal Migration From Bangladesh: Deportation, Border Fences and Work Permits This monograph examines the Indian government’s perspective on the issue of infiltration/illegal from Bangladesh. It analyses the socio-economic and political impact of the presence of a large number of illegal Bangladeshi migrants on the receiving societies within India. Pushpita Das | 2016 | Monograph
The ‘Social Media’ Challenge to National Security: Impact and Opportunities: A Conceptual Overview The monograph hopes to succeed in providing a conceptual framework to understanding this emerging challenge and draw up a set of best practices and recommendations for policy makers and law enforcement agencies to move forward with. Shruti Pandalai | 2016 | Monograph
Human Resource Management in the Armed Forces Human Resource Management (HRM) in the Armed Forces is a vital issue because its strength has always been the soldier. This monograph analyses the challenges of HRM in the Armed Forces with specific focus on transition of soldiers to a second career, as service personal retire at a comparatively young age when their personal responsibilities are at the peak. Pradeep Sofat | 2016 | Monograph