Chemical Weapons Profile of Angola The year 2012 signifies the 15th anniversary of the entry into force of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), an international agreement that prohibits all activities related to development, production, stockpiling… Continue reading Chemical Weapons Profile of Angola Babjee Pothuraju | | CBW Magazine
Global Health Security for Collaborative Countering of Bio-threat Agents and Infectious Diseases Biological weapons are termed as “Poor man’s nuclear bomb” as they require less sophistication when compared to that of nuclear weapons making it easier and cheaper to produce and use.… Continue reading Global Health Security for Collaborative Countering of Bio-threat Agents and Infectious Diseases Y. Ashok Babu | | CBW Magazine
The Army that can Deliver Bangladesh's Chief of Staff General Mooen U Ahmed's visit to India scheduled in the fourth week of August now stands postponed in wake of the severe floods sweeping across the country. This visit by the army chief was keenly awaited in India and is particularly significant in the light of the political developments that have taken place in Bangladesh ever since the Khaleda Zia-led BNP coalition government demitted office in October 2006. Sreeradha Datta | August 08, 2007 | IDSA Comments
Challenge Inspection Regime of the CWC: Salient Features* Introduction The Chemical Weapons Convention 1993 (CWC) entrered into force (EIF) in April 1997 and presently has 190 members covering nearly 98% of the world population. The Organisation for Prohibition… Continue reading Challenge Inspection Regime of the CWC: Salient Features* H.R. Naidu Gade | | CBW Magazine
Jointness in Strategic Capabilities: Can we avoid it? Jointness has so far eluded the Indian Armed Forces. All thinking officers in the services are aware that much more jointness cannot be avoided if the Indian Armed Forces are to retain their excellent reputation. But this thinking community often comes up abruptly against many senior officers who dissuade them from being idealistic, on the grounds that under the cloak of jointness, their individual services would suffer losses in men, responsibilities and budgeting. Raja Menon | August 2007 | Journal of Defence Studies
Indian Defence Acquisition: Time for Change The latest Comptroller and Auditor General (C&AG) Performance Report on Defence Services (No. 4 of 2007) has once again exposed the problems involved in Indian defence acquisition. The report has been critical virtually of all the processes of the acquisition cycle, from planning to the formulation of Qualitative Requirements (QRs), vendor selection, conduct of trial and evaluations and processes of induction. Laxman Kumar Behera | August 03, 2007 | IDSA Comments
The Imperative of Finalising the Nuclear Deal by 2008 Even though the Indo-US nuclear deal has passed one more hurdle with the completion of the 123 Agreement to the satisfaction of both governments, the remaining hurdles include the signing of agreements with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) before the Agreement can go back to the US Congress for its final imprimatur. Cherian Samuel | August 03, 2007 | IDSA Comments
The Emerging Islamic Militancy in North-East India The emergence of several Islamic militant groups in North-East India and their ability to forge close ties with the region's most violent militant groups like the United Liberation Front of Asom [ULFA] and other foreign-based Islamic groups pose a major security threat for the region. Islamic militancy started in North-East India in the wake of the Babri Masjid demolition and the subsequent communal disturbances as well as because of Manipur's infamous Meitei-Muslim riot in 1993. M. Amarjeet Singh | August 03, 2007 | IDSA Comments
Tackling the Challenge Posed by Amateur Terrorists After a month of global media frenzy, alliterative headlines, statements by senior politicians across continents, charges and rebuttals, the terrorist attempts in London and Glasgow appear to be finally gaining some concrete shape. The attempts, which coincided with the second anniversary of the July 7 terrorist attacks on the London Underground, and the subsequent arrests, present a changing trend. The most striking aspect of these failed terrorist attacks is the social and professional strata of the persons detained on charges of involvement. Alok Rashmi Mukhopadhyay | August 01, 2007 | IDSA Comments
Jointness: An Indian Strategic Culture Perspective Integration of battlefield assets, be it man or machine, has been a time worn cliché in warfare. The orchestration of forces with dissimilar characteristics such as the infantry, charioteers, elephants and cavalry was considered as the spark of a military genius. A few like Alexander or Hannibal distinguished themselves in the art of the set-piece battles, replicated on the modern conventional battlefield. Rahul K. Bhonsle | August 2007 | Journal of Defence Studies