On the State of Media Violence in Nepal Jason Miklian , Ingvill Håkås Tveite | September 2007 | Strategic Analysis
China’s New Left: Wang Hui China’s New Order: Society, Politics and Economy in Transition Raviprasad Narayanan | September 2007 | Strategic Analysis
The Re-emergence of an Assertive Russia Russia's decision to resume the Soviet-era practice of sending strategic bombers on long-range flights well beyond its borders, just a few days after concluding an air exercise over the North Pole involving such aircraft, seems to suggest a willingness to challenge US intrusion into its neighbourhood and NATO's continuing eastward expansion. Some 14 strategic bombers took off from seven airfields across Russia, along with support and refuelling aircraft on August 17. Nivedita Das Kundu | August 29, 2007 | IDSA Comments
CWC and OPCW: Future Course and Challenges The Third Review Conference of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) was held from 8 to 19 April 2013 in The Hague. At this conference, member states as well as representatives… Continue reading CWC and OPCW: Future Course and Challenges Rajiv Nayan | | CBW Magazine
News Analysis: Chemical Substance Attacks in Afghan Schools Afghan Taliban’s campaign against female education and empowerment is well known. This campaign reached new heights when unidentified poison attacks occurred targeting several girls schools located in Kapisa and Parwan… Continue reading News Analysis: Chemical Substance Attacks in Afghan Schools Animesh Roul | | CBW Magazine
Revolution in Military Affairs and Jointness Militaries of major states in the international system have been responding to the Revolution in Military Affairs (RMA) debate, mainly to the technological and operational concepts propounded by the US, even though most of them particularly in Asia continue to grapple with its full import. First off the blocks in Asia has been China. Given the salience of the American threat perspective in any Taiwan-centric conflict scenario, it has identified rapid development in high technology with Informaion Technology(IT) at its core as the means to bring about revolutionary changes in the military field as a strategic and operational necessity to meet the challenge. Arun Sahgal , Vinod Anand | August 2007 | Journal of Defence Studies
Chemical and Biological Weapons in Egypt and Libya Apart from South Africa, Egypt and Libya appear to be the most important countries in the African continent, in terms of Weapon of Mass Destruction (WMD) proliferation and deproliferation processes.… Continue reading Chemical and Biological Weapons in Egypt and Libya Dany Shoham | | CBW Magazine
The Third Review Conference of the State Parties of the Chemical Weapons Convention: Relevance for South Asia Introduction The Third Review Conference of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) will take place in The Hague during 8-19 April 2013. The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW),… Continue reading The Third Review Conference of the State Parties of the Chemical Weapons Convention: Relevance for South Asia Mirza Sadaqat Huda | | CBW Magazine
India’s Higher Defence Organisation: Implications for National Security and Jointness In the minds of the average person on the street, one suspects that the phrase “higher defence organization” evokes an intimidating vision of row upon row of be-medalled and be-whiskered Generals, with the dark shadowy figure of a “soldier on horseback” (that mythical usurper of power) looming in the background. Arun Prakash | August 2007 | Journal of Defence Studies
Student Violence Signals Growing Resentment against: the Caretaker Government in Bangladesh "I want a country where the army cannot arrest anyone without a warrant. I want our political parties to be democratic, transparent and accountable. I want fair and neutral judges. I want the right to vote. I want there to be no such thing as a legal fatwa. I want the war criminals of the 1971 genocide to be tried, condemned and jailed. I want to vote. I want a country worthy of my desh-prem. I want a country." -- Tahmima Anam, New Statesman, January 22, 2007. Sreeradha Datta | August 24, 2007 | IDSA Comments