Civil Society, Chemical Industry and the Chemical Weapons Convention For many years, civil society has played an important role in the framing of the regime against chemical weapons. The 1925 Geneva Protocol, which prohibits the use of poison gas… Continue reading Civil Society, Chemical Industry and the Chemical Weapons Convention Ralf Trapp CBW Magazine
NBC threats and India’s Preparedness The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki had come as a major surprise to the international community primarily because the massive destructive capacity of the atom was only fictional before then.… Continue reading NBC threats and India’s Preparedness Soumya Tiwari CBW Magazine
Jointness in India’s Military —What it is and What it Must Be Time and Space have collapsed in modern warfare. At one end, nations do not have the luxury of continuing to wage war for long durations. Apart from military, economic and domestic limitations, there is the coercive pressure of the international environment which does not permit much latitude. P. S. Das August 2007 Journal of Defence Studies
Bioterrorism and Combating Strategies-Select Readings, Editor: Anila V Menon, Amicus Book, the Icfai University Press (2007) The book “Bioterrorism and Combating Strategies-Select Readings is an edited volume by Anila V Menon. As the very title suggests, this book basically deals with various aspects of bioterrorism and… Continue reading Bioterrorism and Combating Strategies-Select Readings, Editor: Anila V Menon, Amicus Book, the Icfai University Press (2007) Pranamita Baruah CBW Magazine
Need and Desirability for Establishment of a CDS System in India There is no doubt that India requires a Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) system for its higher defence management. Those who argue otherwise should revisit the Indian experience and realize that the worlds over militaries are getting to understand the inevitable necessity in today’s environment of having a CDS-like system. K.K. Nayyar August 2007 Journal of Defence Studies
Syrian Civil War and the Chemical Weapons Use US President Barack Obama’s April 30, 2013 statement that the US would “…take military action against Syria if hard, effective evidence is found of use of chemical weapons and if… Continue reading Syrian Civil War and the Chemical Weapons Use Swati Bute CBW Magazine
CBR Security: India’s Threats and Vulnerabilities Royal United Service Institute (RUSI; London) and Observer Research Foundation (ORF; New Delhi) recently completed a study titled “Chemical, Biological and Radiological Materials: An Analysis of Security Risks and Terrorist… Continue reading CBR Security: India’s Threats and Vulnerabilities Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan CBW Magazine
Jointmanship And Attitudinal Issues Most leaders are professedly staunch proponents of the concept of jointmanship. They acknowledge the criticality of jointmanship to national security. In other words, jointmanship has no opponents. Yet, the reality on ground is diametrically opposite. Every step towards jointmanship is fought fiercely by many. This dichotomy, though perplexing, has been entirely due to incompatible attitudes. Attitude is an attribute of human behaviour and defies cogent reasoning. Mrinal Suman August 2007 Journal of Defence Studies
Jointmanship in the Defence Forces : The Way Ahead The experience of our Armed Forces during various conflicts has not been a happy one in terms of jointmanship. Each Service has viewed war fighting from its own perspective thus lacking a holistic approach to problems of defence and security. The Kargil crisis of 1999 provided the required political consensus to initiate the desired restructuring of the higher defence organisation and raising of joint structures. B. S. Sachar August 2007 Journal of Defence Studies
Chemical Weapons Profile of Angola The year 2012 signifies the 15th anniversary of the entry into force of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), an international agreement that prohibits all activities related to development, production, stockpiling… Continue reading Chemical Weapons Profile of Angola Babjee Pothuraju CBW Magazine