Quantum Technologies and Military Strategy Publisher: Springer This book is about the strategic relevance of quantum technologies. It debates the military-specific aspects of this technology. Various chapters of this book cohere around two specific themes. The first theme discusses the global pattern of ongoing civilian and military research on quantum computers, quantum cryptography, quantum communications and quantum internet. The second theme explicitly identifies the relevance of these technologies in the military domain and the possible nature of quantum technology-based weapons. This thread further debates on quantum (arms) race at a global level in general, and in the context of the USA and China, in particular. The book argues that the defence utility of these technologies is increasingly becoming obvious and is likely to change the nature of warfare in the future. ISBN: 978-3-030-72720-8 , Price: EUR 89.99 Ajey Lele Book
Türkiye’s Foreign Policy Under The AKP: Implications and Challenges for India Publisher: Pentagon Press During the first two decades of the twenty-first century, besides the structural factors namely geography, history, politics, international system and the world order, five conjunctural factors dominated Turkish foreign policy behaviour and conduct. These include the Strategic Depth (Stratejik Derinlik) doctrine with ‘zero-problem’ with neighbours embedded in it followed by the Blue Homeland (Mavi Vatan) doctrine focused on enhancing Türkiye’s maritime presence in its immediate neighbourhood and the periphery. Thirdly, and arguably the most important, is the personality of Recep Tayyip Erdogan who as a dominating figure in contemporary Turkish politics has shaped not only the political discourse but foreign policy praxis. Erdogan’s personalised style of interventions has undoubtedly had a profound impact on Ankara’s interactions and engagements with the wider world. Finally, pan-Islamism and neo-Ottomanism are two important drivers in Turkish foreign policy and were visible notably in the Middle East and North Africa region and came into prominence in the wake of the Arab Spring uprisings. In this context, it is pertinent to ask what are Turkish foreign policy ambitions and how do these impact India? Given that Ankara has expanded its presence, or at least is striving to expand it, in the geographically contiguous Southwest Asia region that connects India to the Middle East, the question how Indian foreign policy should view Türkiye becomes even more important. The bilateral challenges between India and Türkiye make it even more pertinent for Indian scholars and policymakers to take a deep and hard look at Türkiye’s foreign policy doctrines and praxis. This book is an attempt in that direction. It systematically analyses the structural and conjunctural factors in Turkish foreign policy and notes that Türkiye’s foreign policy is embedded in a glorified identification of the past, both Ottoman and Kemalist, and in its geographical location as a multi-regional actor. However, the foreign policy ambitions are limited by Türkiye’s economic performance and political sliding. From an Indian viewpoint, the book identifies Pakistan as a limiting factor so far as the bilateral relations are concerned and recommends that New Delhi should use economic leverage and diplomacy to de-hyphenate the Pakistan factor. ISBN: 9788195189427 , Price: ? 995/- E-copy available Md. Muddassir Quamar Book
Political Islam: Parallel Currents in West Asia and South Asia Publisher: Pentagon Press This book deals with the history of Muslim political thought from the time of the Prophet to early 21" century in `West Asia` (an Indian alternative to the `colonial` term Middle East) and South Asia. Although Islam does not present nor recommend any political philosophy or state-like system per se, Muslim scholars and theologians have over the centuries recommended ways for establishing an ideal Islamic polity based on Quranic inferences, precedents of the Prophet and some early Caliphs. Although Political Islam strictly refers to only a century-old religious-political revivalist movement, this book covers historical concepts and developments that serve as political antecedents for contemporary Political Islam in the two regions. ISBN: 9788195189458 , Price: ? 1995/- E-copy available Adil Rasheed Book
Combating Terrorism: Perspective from the Ground Even if solutions are known the Government does not implement them due to lack of political will, resource crunch, turf wars, apathy, and general inertia. Pushpita Das January 25, 2010 Book Review
The rise of predatory state The incisive analysis of the vulnerabilities of the Chinese economy presented in this book is supported by a mass of statistics and data. Managing Chaos is a serious work. The book is essential reading for those trying to understand the Chinese economic miracle. Arvind Gupta Book Review
Maldives and the #IndiaOut Campaign Maldives’ foreign policy has witnessed a shift from ‘India First’ under former President Ibrahim Solih to ‘India Out’ that was central to Mohammed Muizzu’s presidential campaign. Tejusvi Shukla December 13, 2023 IDSA Comments
Privatisation of Security in the Post-Cold War Period The end of the Cold War was celebrated among many circles as an end to the conflict determined pattern of global relations, which would ensure greater cooperation and peace. Such optimism, however, died soon. Shantanu Chakrabarti 2009 Monograph
India’s Iraq Policy: Past, Present & Future Iraq is a vital country in the region. It is an essential part of India's extended neighbourhood, not merely for its ineluctable geopolitical and geo-economic significance but also because of its vast historical and cultural importance. Prabhat Jawla 2023 Monograph
In Pursuit of a Shield: US, Missile Defence and the Iran Threat The US pursuit of missile defence in order to counter and/or hedge against Iran's ballistic missile capabilities coupled with concerns generated by its nuclear programme has had significant strategic consequences. Iran on its part has pursued these capabilities as part of its asymmetric strategy to overcome its strategic vulnerabilities flowing from US encirclement, short-comings in force levels vis-a-vis neighbours and resource constraints in building effective conventional forces. S. Samuel C. Rajiv 2012 Monograph