PLA Integration into the Nepal Army: Challenges and Prospects Integration of Maoist combatants into the Nepal Army (NA) has become a contentious issue. Although the stakeholders have agreed on the integration process, they are yet to arrive at a consensus on how to attempt it. They have changed their positions frequently over the issue, which has complicated matters further. The NA holds the view that the lack of conventional training of Maoist combatants, as well as their ideological orientation, would have a serious effect on its professional standards. Nihar R. Nayak | September 2009 | Strategic Analysis
A Critical Evaluation of the Union Government’s Response to the Maoist Challenge The Union Government took notice of the current phase of the Naxalite challenge with concern, for the first time, in 1998. Since then, it has been playing a coordinating role among the various affected states to address the challenge. It has also been advising the affected states on ways to deal with the challenge. By 2003, the Union Government had put in place a two-pronged approach to address the Maoist challenge - that of a development response and a security response. However, all along, the Union Government's response has largely been security-centric. P. V. Ramana | September 2009 | Strategic Analysis
Identity and Conflict: Perspectives from the Kashmir Valley Based on interviews with a cross-section of people from the Kashmir Valley including aspirants of self-determination, academics, media persons, members of the civil society, and security forces this article argues that perceptions about identity are central to the conflict in Kashmir Valley. Having successfully stemmed the tide of armed conflict militarily, it is now crucial for the government to take cognizance of and address these issues in an appropriate manner as management of these perceptions will be critical to bringing enduring peace to the Kashmir Valley. Arpita Anant | September 2009 | Strategic Analysis
Abolishing Nuclear Weapons by George Perkovich and James M. Acton Satish Chandra | September 2009 | Strategic Analysis
Terrorism: Patterns of Internationalisation by Jaideep Saikia and Ekaterina Stepanova (eds.) Ali Ahmed | September 2009 | Strategic Analysis
Shared Histories India in the Making of Singapore by Asad-ul Iqbal Latif Arvind Gupta | September 2009 | Strategic Analysis
Contemporary Debates in Indian Foreign and Security Policy: India Negotiates Its Rise in the International System Ali Ahmed | September 2009 | Strategic Analysis
Unravelling the Mosaic: Spatial Aspects of Ethnicity in Nepal Arvind Gupta | September 2009 | Strategic Analysis
The Man from Pakistan: The True Story of the World’s Most Dangerous Nuclear Smuggler Reshmi Kazi | September 2009 | Strategic Analysis
Outlook for the Seventies: Strategic and Technological So far the Chinese have carried out ten nuclear tests which include one underground test, one test of a nuclear-tipped missile and three thermo-nuclear tests. In other words, the Chinese are on a comprehensive weapons programme, which will give them thermo-nuclear warheads from the megaton range down to small yield nuclear weapons of a few kiloton range and even fractional kiloton range. They are now engaged in improving the compactness of their warheads. K. Subrahmanyam | September 2009 | Strategic Analysis