2011 and beyond: Visualising Af-Pak Getting the hard core Taliban to concede the fight without loss of face is preferable to destroying them. The latter course is rendered risky by the linkages between the Afghan Taliban, Pakistani Taliban and Punjabi Taliban and their penetration of the Pakistani state and society. Ali Ahmed | December 23, 2009 | Issue Brief
Stress in Sub-Conventional Operations Suicides/fratricides in operational areas mainly take place due to domestic problems of the affected individual rather than because of any undue stress resulting from job-related stress in the operational environment. K C Dixit | December 23, 2009 | IDSA Comments
The Army’s Subculture in the Coming Decade The Indian Army is likely to come under assault from changes occurring within society which are predicted to speed up considerably over the coming decade. Ali Ahmed | December 22, 2009 | IDSA Comments
India and Japan: Strengthening Defence Co-operation There is a growth trajectory in defence cooperation between India and Japan, complemented by the burgeoning economic relationship providing robustness to the partnership. Rajaram Panda | December 22, 2009 | IDSA Comments
Mahindra’s Giant Leap into Defence Production: The Need for Further Policy Initiatives to Promote Private Sector While Mahindra’s foray into defence production and the acquisition of foreign companies demonstrates the private sector’s initiative, the government needs to introduce further reforms to promote the role of private companies in Indian defence industry. Laxman Kumar Behera | December 22, 2009 | IDSA Comments
Securing India at the Gates Instead of beefing up army/police/paramilitary forces in the towns and cities, the government needs to urgently take measures to prevent entry of the criminal and terrorist elements at or close to the border. Ramesh Phadke | December 22, 2009 | IDSA Comments
Twin Purpose Military Exercises of the Chinese PLA in 2009 The year 2009 has seen the Chinese PLA undertake several military exercises, drills and war games to enhance battle effectiveness as well as promote trust among neighbours. Prashant Kumar Singh | December 22, 2009 | IDSA Comments
Small States: Potential Maoist Strongholds From the security point of view, it might not be prudent to carve out states from Maoist affected regions without adequately preparing the administrative and security apparatus. P. V. Ramana | December 17, 2009 | IDSA Comments
International and Regional Security Dynamics: Indian and Iranian Perspectives Publisher: Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses 2010 The book draws attention towards the entire spectrum of the India-Iran relations covering cooperative endeavours in energy sector to common concerns in Afghanistan, Pakistan and developments in Central and West Asia. Crucial policy options are also provided by Indian and Iranian experts to take the relationship between India and Iran forward. ISBN 81-86019-58-8, Price: ?. 300/- E-copy available Meena Singh Roy | | Book
Avoiding Time and Cost Overruns in the Construction of Rohtang Tunnel The BRO could consider constituting a high level monitoring committee both at headquarters and on site to co-ordinate with the contractor, the consultant and other agencies to sort out issues that may have the potential to cause delay. Narinder Gupta | December 14, 2009 | IDSA Comments