Publication Filter


Pakistan: Engagement of the Extremes

  • Publisher: Shipra

The Indian Armed Forces are intimately linked to Indian society. Their role in national integration is a fascinating inquiry. The book traces the historic evolution of the Indian Armed Forces and then relates it to the extant composition and regimental system of the Indian Army.

  • ISBN 978-81-7541-431-0,
  • Price: ? 450/-


Maritime Forces in Pursuit of National Security: Policy Imperatives for India

  • Publisher: Shipra

The growing interest of nations in the ocean-realm has become discernable in recent years, leading to an increased significance of maritime security. This is particularly relevant to India, whose vital stakes are expanding beyond its terrestrial confines. How has this increased the responsibility of Indian maritime forces? Can we expect these forces to satiate national-security interests beyond maritime affairs? What approach and capabilities are needed for this? As an attempt to answer these questions, this book is intended for a 'wide-spectrum' readership; ranging from a layman but a keen observer of national/ global events that affect him, and who seeks an association with India's growing eminence; to the academics and Indian policy makers.

  • ISBN 978-81-7541-430-3,
  • Price: ?. 395/-


India’s North East: New Vistas for Peace

  • Publisher: Manas Publications

This book is an attempt to suggest a way towards peace and development in the North East. The authors, mostly belonging to the region, have provided valuable insights on the issues of insurgency, development and security and have also suggested concrete measures to tackle the myriad problems afflicting the region.

  • ISBN 978-81-7049-326-6,
  • Price: ?. 695/-

India-US Relations: Addressing the Challenges of the 21st Century

  • Publisher: Magnum Books

The rhetoric from two noisy democracies may make it appear that the interests of India and the United States are poles apart on many issues. However, if the outside layers comprising ideological and populist pronouncements are peeled aside, it is apparent that while there would be inevitable differences in approach, there is a convergence on core values, concerns and interests. At the same time, the hindrances and obstacles that come in the way of a working relationship cannot be simply wished away. A purposeful and forward looking dialogue is one of the necessary steps required to take the Partnership to a higher plane.

  • ISBN 81-87363-95-9,
  • Price: ? 595