Nuclear Implications of the ‘Two Front’ Formulation The nuclear ‘backdrop’ carries dangers even in a single front let alone a ‘two front’ situation, particularly since a move to rescind the NFU tenet of doctrine may be necessary. Ali Ahmed | January 29, 2010 | IDSA Comments
Revisiting the Japan-US Security Treaty in Crisis at the 50th Anniversary The Japan-US alliance is indispensable for dealing with the uncertain future of regional and global security, particularly in the Korean Peninsula and to ensure China’s responsible role in the region. Ishida Yasuyuki | January 29, 2010 | IDSA Comments
Pakistan Will Oppose the Fissile Materials Cut-Off Treaty at the Conference on Disarmament Though world opinion is still divided on whether the FMCT would include past stocks or not, Pakistan appears to have decided to continue with the production of fissile materials and oppose any talks at the CD. Ch. Viyyanna Sastry | January 29, 2010 | IDSA Comments
A Year of Revival of Democracy in Bangladesh To the credit of Shaikh Hasina she managed the foreign policy of Bangladesh as well as macro economic situation of the country well. Anand Kumar | January 29, 2010 | IDSA Comments
The Strange Ways of Indian Soft Power The IPL decision not to choose Pakistani players proved a windfall for South Block, which had failed to convey India’s displeasure and unhappiness to the Pakistan government through the usual diplomatic channels. Ramesh Phadke | January 29, 2010 | IDSA Comments
Pakistan’s Double Standard on Kashmir makes Indo-Pak CBMs Counterproductive The Indo-Pak peace conference concluded with a pledge to uphold democracy, but failed to demonstrate it by limiting its invitation only to representatives from the Kashmir valley and ignoring other stakeholders. Senge H. Sering | January 28, 2010 | IDSA Comments
Are Google and Chinese Communist Party Incompatible? There is a contradiction between the CCP methodology which is based on loyalty to the authoritarian ideology and the information age which recognizes the importance of the individual as a critical entity. Gunjan Singh | January 28, 2010 | IDSA Comments
Keynote Address at the National Seminar on Defence Acquisition Our defence forces require timely and cost effective acquisition of defence equipment to enable them to meet any challenge to the country's security. Especially all of you who represent the strategic community know very well that we are living in an era of challenges from many quarters. The emerging security scenario is very challenging. Nobody can say what will happen in some of our neighbouring areas. The situation is that critical. A. K. Antony | January 2010 | Journal of Defence Studies
Surveying State of Art Weapon System Availability: Merits of RFI System …..SQRs form the basis of any procurement /development/R&D project undertaken by SHQs, the process of formulating the same should be free of vested influences, maintaining the confidentiality. Puneet Chadha | January 2010 | Journal of Defence Studies
Hiccups in Sino-US Relations over Arms Sales to Taiwan The military dialogue seems likely to remain suspended over the arms sales issue; discord over Iran’s nuclear issue may increase and more war of words may define the relationships between the two countries. Rajaram Panda | January 25, 2010 | Issue Brief