Modernization of Infantry in India Besides equipping the infantry, a serious look also needs to be given to its training. Use of tactical simulators for training commanders up to unit level, support weapons and advanced infantry weapons simulators, driving and communication simulators have to be procured and utilised to train better educated soldiers who will be required to handle more complex weapon systems and equipment in future. Rumel Dahiya | July 2010 | Journal of Defence Studies
A Year since Xinjiang Riots: Are the faultlines manageable? Nationalistic imaging of the People’s Republic based on the Han identity could be the biggest obstacle to the pluralist solution that the contemporary situation in Xinjiang requires. Avinash Godbole | July 09, 2010 | IDSA Comments
Deflecting the Assassin’s Mace: The Pentagon’s New AirSea Battle Concept and its Strategic Relevance to India Indian strategists may well find that many of the tactical quandaries faced today by the US carrier fleets cruising through the Asia Pacific are destined to become those of the Indian Navy in the not-too-distant future. Devising an AirSea Battle concept would enable it to parry blows and reassert sea control. Iskander Rehman | July 07, 2010 | Issue Brief
Jammu and Kashmir: Governance is the key The survey in J&K and ‘Azad Kashmir’ indicates that people consider unemployment as a major problem, followed by corruption, poor economic development and human rights abuses. Smruti S. Pattanaik | July 07, 2010 | IDSA Comments
Stridency to Flippancy: Diplomatic wrangle over North Korea at G-8 and G-20 The issue at stake is the US upholding and expanding its role as the key shaper of geopolitics in Northeast Asia, and China unwilling to be sidelined by the United States. Preeti Nalwa | July 07, 2010 | IDSA Comments
AFSPA: A Soldier’s Perspective An absence of legal statutes in the insurgency affected areas would adversely affect the utility and efficacy of the security capacity of the state. Harinder Singh | July 06, 2010 | IDSA Comments
An additional dish for the India-Pakistan platter A strategic dialogue mechanism with Pakistan at the level of NSAs, assisted by representatives of the national security establishment including the military on both sides, needs to be initiated to address core questions like the strategic balance and reconciling strategic doctrines. Ali Ahmed | July 05, 2010 | IDSA Comments
NBC Weapons: How free is Africa of the scourge? The entry into force of the Africa’s Nuclear Weapon Free Zone Treaty or the Treaty of Pelindaba in July 2009 and the first conference of parties on November 4, 2010… Continue reading NBC Weapons: How free is Africa of the scourge? Ruchita Beri | July-December 2010 | CBW Magazine
Defence Acquisition Process : Oversight Concerns Aspects of cost-efficient QR formulation, RFI and RFP, technical and commercial evaluation including time frames for evaluation, imparting project management orientation to the entire acquisition process including post contract deficiencies were covered in a seminar organised by IDSA on October 27, 2009 seminar. Vinod Kumar Misra | July 2010 | Journal of Defence Studies
The Unconventional Prime Minister: An Assessment of Kevin Rudd While there is no denying the fact that Rudd’s ideas on foreign policy were well-intentioned, one cannot possibly overlook the fact that it all fell apart in the course of practice. Rahul Mishra | July 02, 2010 | IDSA Comments