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Arms Acquisition Accountability Processes

Most of the advanced democracies agree that confidentiality is needed in terms of technical performance parameters; the numbers to be procured and methods of deployment, which may provide unique advantages to the user. Instead of the military or the civil servants treating these aspects exclusively as military capability issue, legislative intervention is needed for professionalizing and institutionalizing public accountability of security sector. Parliamentary processes have constitutional legitimacy and duty to examine security sector accountability.

Synergisation for Future Wars

It is essential to have an army which is capable of responding to conventional as well as sub-conventional warfare requirements with bare minimum turbulence while switching roles from one form of warfare to another.

Defence Acquisition Process: Issues Pertaining to the Department of Defence Production

The issues of the Department of Defence Production pertain to the development of indigenous production capability in the sphere of defence. This is very important both from strategic requirements point of view, as also how we look at ourselves as a country, how we look at our future and where we want to be seen in the community of nations. It is also important from the point of view of strategic independence. That is why indigenous defence production base is important to us and that is why this accent on indigenous manufacture of defence equipment.

Defence Planning in India

Although India’s defence planning mechanism has evolved over the years, it is still inadequate with respect to prioritisation of precious resources, optimum force suture and creation of a strong domestic defence industrial base. Given India’s complex security environment and massive expenditure on national defence, the planning mechanism needs to be strengthened by articulation of national security objectives and creation of Chief of Defence Staff (CDS).

Doctrine of Self-Reliance in Defence Technologies

There is a strong case for factoring in the impact of defence acquisitions on national economy, industrial capabilities and employment generation. Indigenous systems cannot be promoted without firm conviction on its rationale and advantages. Major systemic changes will have to be effected in the process of requirements generation, development and manufacturing, test and evaluation in order to make progress towards greater self reliance.

Comprehensive Logistics Management in Defence

The RFP should define the sustained capability required for a defined period of time. It should ask the vendors to give technical and commercial proposals for owning and exploiting the same as per the defined usage at a specified level of operational readiness. The provisions for defence offset should be leveraged for setting up the necessary JVs to provide life time training, maintenance and logistic support in accordance with the principles of PBL. In case any existing infrastructure could be made available to him, its details and lease arrangements should also be specified.

Key Aspects of Defence Offsets: Negotiating the MOU between Bidder and Offset Partner

The DPP has proved to be a dynamic document, with improvements with every successive version minimising ambiguities. Documents where ambiguities are either absent or minimum; documents that are transparent and are open to anyone connected; and documents that have good guidelines and directives, serve as an anchor when resolving conflicts that may arise in execution of activities in the related field. The DPP is one such document in the process of defence procurement.