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The Nuclear Posture Review: Not a Credible Game-Changer for Nuclear North Korea

The Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) emphasis two realities, first the challenge of nuclear terrorism and proliferation; and second, it affirms the end of the Cold War rivalries. But the “resetting” of relationship with Moscow had created an enemy vacuum for the U.S. To fill this gap, North Korea has been constructed as an enemy which justifies the continuity of the “nuclear umbrella” in the Northeast Asian region. But as an asymmetrical, surrogate enemy it is actually the pretext to maintain ‘critical bases’ in Northeast Asia which functions as hubs for U.S. global military power projection.

Human Resource Development Strategy for Sub-Conventional Warfare

Army personnel trained and equipped for conventional warfare find themselves at a disadvantage when deployed for sub-conventional operations. The advancement in technology, changing warfare concepts, induction of sophisticated weapons and support equipments and need to handle far too many variables demand deliberate efforts in ensuring recruitment of desired human resource and their training in the army to suit the requirements of conventional as well as sub-conventional warfare.

India’s Conflict Strategy: The Legal Angle

Continued engagement with LOAC and IHL is ongoing with the Judge Advocates General Department taking the primary role. Its training institution in Kamptee is at the forefront. There has been increased interaction with the ICRC since India opened up to the ICRC in the mid nineties, after initially being defensive with respect to Kashmir. Not only has IHL been introduced into officer and subordinate ranks courses, but guest lectures are also organised. Increased scope of the engagement is possible, particularly if it finds mention in the next edition of the Army doctrine.