Socialist China, Capitalist China by Guoguang Wu and Helen Lansdowne (eds.) Gunjan Singh | September 2010 | Strategic Analysis
Jammu and Kashmir, the Cold War and the West by D.N. Panigrahi The Kashmir Dispute: Making Border Irrelevant by P.R. Chari, Hasan Askari Rizvi, Rashid Ahmed Khan and Suba Chandran Smruti S. Pattanaik | September 2010 | Strategic Analysis
Pakistan: The Beginning of the End? Mary Ann Weaver, Pakistan: Inside the World's Most Frightening Place , Farrar, Straus and Giroux, New York, 2010, pp. 292, $16.00, ISBN 978-0374532253 Fatima Bhutto, Songs of Blood and Sword: A Daughter's Memoir , Penguin Viking, India, 2010, pp. 470, Rs. 699, ISBN 9780670082803 Ira Pande (ed.), The Great Divide: India and Pakistan , Harper Collins India, New Delhi, 2009, pp. 380, Rs. 495, ISBN 978-81-72238360 Priyanka Singh | September 2010 | Strategic Analysis
Strategies to Tackle Fourth Generation Warfare (4GW): An Aerial Perspective The changing nature of warfare, as the twentieth century drew to a close, saw the increased proliferation of conflict between non-state actors and the state. Small wars, wars of liberation, insurgencies, terrorism, proxy wars, sub-conventional warfare and a host of other terminologies emerged that attempted to fingerprint this genre of low spectrum warfare. Initially, it was felt that it was risky to use air power in this kind of warfare and that surface forces were best equipped to fight these wars with only superficial support from air forces. Arjun Subramaniam | September 2010 | Strategic Analysis
Climate Change and Environmental Degradation in Tibet: Implications for Environmental Security in South Asia Both the Chinese government and the Tibetans are in agreement over the impending issues relating to the adverse impact of climate change on Tibet while the India-specific data on glacier melt is as yet inconclusive. There is, however, a difference of perception in Sino-Tibetan discourse over the capitalist model of economic development being undertaken by China which is at variance with the cultural practices of Tibetans, informed and regulated as they are with the Buddhist values of oneness with nature. Nomadism is also fundamental to the preservation of the ecology of Tibet. P. K. Gautam | September 2010 | Strategic Analysis
Bangladesh’s Extended Continental Shelf: Navigating the Course with India and Myanmar The Bay of Bengal is the largest bay off the coast of Bangladesh, India, Myanmar and Sri Lanka. With the exception of Bangladesh all the littoral states have reached agreements over their bilateral maritime boundaries. As signatories to the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, India and Myanmar had to file their claims by June 29, 2009 and by May 21, 2009 respectively, and Bangladesh has to file its claim by July 27, 2011 to the Commission on the limits of the continental shelf. Sreeradha Datta | September 2010 | Strategic Analysis
Tackling Somali Piracy Ashore: Maritime Security and Geopolitics in the Indian Ocean As high-profile incidents of piracy become more common off Somalia, strategists have taken to urging the US government to send expeditionary forces ashore. The article uses history and Clausewitzian theory to estimate the nature of the threat and the likely efficacy of a land campaign. Even successful operations would entail costs exceeding the value of the political stakes. For this reason alone, going ashore is inadvisable. James R. Holmes | September 2010 | Strategic Analysis
India and the Challenge of Terrorism in the Hinterland Terrorism in the Indian hinterland is the result of a complex set of inter-related factors. The development of a jihad culture in Pakistan during the course of the Afghan conflict in the 1980s led to the subsequent Pakistani decision to employ jihad against India as a strategy. The mobilisation of the Hindu Right in India and ensuing communal violence led to the radicalisation of Muslim youth and the resort to terrorism by both Indian Islamists and Muslim criminal networks with help from Pakistan. S. Kalyanaraman | September 2010 | Strategic Analysis
Internal Security: The Indian Way There is a view that India's approach to national security is largely ad hoc and marked by incompetence. Indians as well as foreign commentators on the country's security policies seem to share this perception. However, India does have a security approach that has a discernible pattern and arguably has been a success. This comment focuses on how India has dealt with internal security since independence. Kanti Bajpai | September 2010 | Strategic Analysis
One Year After Terrorism: Sri Lanka Needs to Demilitarise Reconstruction and Development for Sustainable Peace On April 12, 2010 the majority of citizens of the island of Sri Lanka's two main linguistic communities celebrated the Sinhala and Tamil new year and the categorical end of war and terrorism with considerable optimism, despite the lack of a clear political solution to the ‘ethnic conflict’. The new year celebrations, the first since the end of the state's 30 year war with the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), were in the wake of recently concluded parliamentary elections that returned the ruling party to power. Darini Rajasingham Senanayake | September 2010 | Strategic Analysis