Turbulent Future Lies Ahead for Global Energy Markets What are the major trends that will shape the global energy future in the medium to long term, say up to 2030? The authoritative report of the International Energy Agency (IEA) issued in 2007, before the global economic slowdown of 2008–09, had predicted the world's primary energy demand growing by 55 per cent at an average annual rate of 1.8 per cent between 2005 and 2030. This was before the global economic crisis of 2008–09. Arvind Gupta | November 2010 | Strategic Analysis
India, US and The Entity List The US government has had a system to control exports through much of their history. In modern times, this aspect of export controls took a new meaning and role with the onset of the cold war in the late 40s. G. Balachandran | October 29, 2010 | Issue Brief
India-United States 2020 This report summarizes the conclusions of a study that was initiated earlier this year on the future of India United States relations in the coming decade. Anurag Bisen | October 29, 2010 | Policy Brief
NASA Engaging China NASA Administrator Charles Bolden visited Beijing on October 16 – 21 to discuss cooperation in manned space flight. While one swallow does not make a summer, it may signal that the US may be considering greater engagement with China in outer space, particularly manned flight. Gunjan Singh | October 29, 2010 | IDSA Comments
PM’s visit to Japan: CEPA will transform India-Japan Ties The fruits of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s visit to Japan can be seen in the conclusion of negotiations on the long-pending CEPA, start of the negotiations on a civil nuclear pact and sharing of views on Afghanistan, UN reform, and on engaging China as a responsible stakeholder for peace and stability in Asia. Rajaram Panda | October 29, 2010 | IDSA Comments
Will CIL’s IPO lead to revolutionary transformation of the coal sector? The long awaited IPO of India’s largest coal producer, Coal India Limited, is finally ready to issue on Dalal Street next week. It is hoped that it will herald a significant transformation of the sector and usher in much needed restructuring and reform to make it more efficient and productive and ensure India’s long term energy security. Shahana Joshi | October 28, 2010 | IDSA Comments
Should India Sign the Convention on Supplementary Compensation? This paper argues that the CSC does not confer any benefit to India and that it may in fact prove to be detrimental to Indian interests and why it should, therefore, not be signed. G. Balachandran | October 27, 2010 | Issue Brief
Clarifying India’s Strategic Doctrine Non-articulation of India's strategic doctrine lends it to be interpreted and perceived variously. India's security establishment need not be defensive about its strategic doctrine but boldly take on critics in the strategic community. Besides, its articulation would help provide direction to the military in their formulation of military doctrine, planning and acquisitions. Ali Ahmed | October 25, 2010 | IDSA Comments
China’s Territorial Claim on Arunachal Pradesh: Crafting an Indian Response The paper provides three plausible explanations for the increase in China’s aggressive postures in India’s eastern sector and a few policy recommendations are offered for consideration. Namrata Goswami | October 25, 2010 | Issue Brief
Obama’s visit to India: Is the glass of Indo-US strategic partnership half full or half empty? While President Obama’s visit to India in November 2010 should further strengthen the Indo-US strategic partnership, some issues have the potential of clouding the relationship. Both sides should be sensitive to each other’s concerns and focus on areas such as space cooperation to give the relationship greater dynamism. Arvind Gupta | October 25, 2010 | IDSA Comments