India-Republic of Korea Military Diplomacy : Past and Future Projections As the first decade of the 21st century ended, India-Republic of Korea (ROK) relationship has assumed robustness in almost all dimensions – political, cultural and economic. As both countries enter the new year, a new dimension – security and strategic – that began in the preceding decade is likely to be seen in the expanding military cooperation, that began in the closing months of the preceding year. The foundation for such a relationship is already in place as both countries have identified a convergence of interests. Rajaram Panda | January 2011 | Journal of Defence Studies
India-Pakistan Relations: Military Diplomacy vs Strategic Engagement Military diplomacy has not figured significantly in India-Pakistan relations with ample reasons. Military to military engagement between the two states is confined to CBMs of varying significance. Even as both militaries have several regional and extra-regional engagements falling under the rubric of military diplomacy, the ones between the two are restricted to the routine exchanges of military advisors in respective missions in national capitals. However, there is a case for expansion in military diplomacy between the two. Ali Ahmed | January 2011 | Journal of Defence Studies
Resolution 1325: Evolution of Gender Perspective in UN Peacekeeping Operations The year 2010 commemorated ten years of the adoption of Resolution 1325 by the UNSC but the commemoration is without celebration. The apparent dissonance between the policy and the practice of the Resolution 1325 renders it inappropriate. This paper reviews the evolution of gender perspective in UN peacekeeping operations and assesses the gains and failures of the Resolution 1325 in gender balancing, recruitment and retention of women in the security sector. Preeti Nalwa | January 2011 | Journal of Defence Studies
Referendum in Sudan: India’s Predicament Given the strategic importance of Sudan, it will be in India’s interest to push for a fair and just referendum and influence both the North and the South to respect the outcome of the vote. Ruchita Beri | January 11, 2011 | IDSA Comments
Nepal 2010: Uncertainties Galore The peace process was deadlocked, with extreme polarization within and among the political parties on various issues. Nihar R. Nayak | January 10, 2011 | IDSA Comments
Talks with the ULFA: Beyond Rhetoric to Substance It is vital that the framework of the talks be informed by the element of inclusiveness based on a ‘problem solving’ approach. Namrata Goswami | January 10, 2011 | IDSA Comments
Defence Diplomacy in US-India Strategic Relationship Defence diplomacy helps build trust and confidence between nations and facilitates cooperation at political and economic level. This is evident from the growing US-India strategic relationship. Since the end of the Cold War, the US-India relationship has been evolving and “reaching new heights”. In this budding relationship, the most visible manifestation is cooperation in the sphere of defence. Saroj Bishoyi | January 2011 | Journal of Defence Studies
Need for a composite back channel with Pakistan army The absence of a credible interlocutor in Pakistan who can exercise effective control over the Pakistan army leaves India with little choice except to open a parallel dialogue with the military establishment in Pakistan. Sushant Sareen | January 07, 2011 | IDSA Comments
Wen Jiabao’s India visit: A Strategic Review The success of the visit was limited to strengthening links of economic diplomacy between the two Asian giants, ignoring the geo-political and strategic issues that act as de-stabilisers in Sino-Indian relations. Jagannath P. Panda , R N Das , Priyanka Pandit , Vidya Krishnamurty | January 07, 2011 | Issue Brief
The New START, its positives, and the imponderables The durability of the New START will depend largely on how both sides value it as a means towards disarmament rather than for strategic competition. A. Vinod Kumar | January 07, 2011 | IDSA Comments