The Post Osama Possibilities The elimination of OBL might not accelerate US withdrawal from Afghanistan, but in all probability this marks the beginning of the end of active US military presence in Afghanistan. Ramesh Phadke | May 06, 2011 | IDSA Comments
Assessing the Jimmy Carter-led Elders’ Efforts to Resolve North Korean Issue While keeping the doors open for negotiations, the US and South Korea are unlikely to relax any of the terms and conditions they have set for Pyongyang. Rajaram Panda | May 05, 2011 | IDSA Comments
The Rights and Wrongs of China’s Aid Policy While energy interests and the promotion of One-China Policy are the main drivers of Chinese aid, the white paper can also be read as a projection of China’s new position in the international order. Gunjan Singh | May 04, 2011 | IDSA Comments
Chashma Nuclear Power Plant – II Starts Operation There is growing recognition among Pakistani experts that the reactor models being supplied by China to Pakistan are outdated and are based on 1970s technology. Ch. Viyyanna Sastry | May 04, 2011 | IDSA Comments
Osama’s Killing: Regional Implications The elimination of Osama, though a great feat by the US special forces, will largely be a symbolic event – terrorism is unlikely to end and the situation in Af-Pak is not likely to improve. Sumita Kumar | May 03, 2011 | IDSA Comments
al Qaeda: Beyond Osama-bin Laden The death of Osama bin laden, is not the end of al Qaeda. It may disable it, but will not kill ‘al Qaeda the idea or movement’. We need to remember that bin Laden and al Qaeda articulated a political grievance which will not disappear with his elimination. The 'war of ideas' is still on. Shruti Pandalai | May 03, 2011 | Issue Brief
BRICS: Opportunities and Challenges This Brief outlines the practical and ideational role that BRICS can play as a grouping, in reforming the global financial system and in the norm-setting processes in world politics. The Brief also discusses some challenges BRICS countries are facing to realise their goals in the short to medium term. Joe Thomas Karackattu | May 03, 2011 | Issue Brief
Responsibility to Protect – The Case of Libya Along with a clear and unambiguous mandate, pre-intervention planning also demands an exit strategy which is lacking in the Libyan case. Keerthi Sampath Kumar | May 02, 2011 | IDSA Comments
TAPI – Still a Distant Dream If the TAPI pipeline does see the light of day, it will be due to US support and its larger political and strategic considerations. Shebonti Ray Dadwal | May 02, 2011 | IDSA Comments
World Politics and the Security of India This article deals with two questions: first, what is the security framework in which an Indian decision-maker must operate? Secondly, what are the specific policy restraints which affect Indian decision-making? Both these questions are cast in terms of Indian nuclear policy and it is assumed that the actual existence of a conventional Indian military deterrent against China and Pakistan is a ‘given’ in the present military and political equation in South Asian politics. The argument of this paper centres on the problem of defining ‘security’. Ashok Kapur | May 2011 | Strategic Analysis