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Chinese Anti Access Strategy: Conceptualising and Contextualising an Indian Version

The asymmetric military balance prevailing between India and China is likely to get accentuated overtime if effective political and military steps are not taken by to address the same. The paper looks upon the need to develop an asymmetric strategy by India to prevent domination by inimical or hostile adversaries. This paper attempts to examine the principles of the Chinese Anti Access Strategy and use that as a model to develop the contours of an Indian ‘Grand Strategy that entails developing military capabilities capable of inflicting damage and raising the cost of intervention.

Sudan in Transition

As a new nation emerges in Africa, India needs to shape its policy to deal with impending changes in Sudan. India’s deep engagement with Sudan suggests that its role in post referendum Sudan will be important

India’s Defence Preparedness to Face Chinese Challenges

It will not be an exaggeration to say that China poses the major challenge to India’s foreign policy and defence policy – which does not necessarily mean that a potential threat from China is imminent. Far from this, the Sino-Indian border of 3488 kms is by and large peaceful and tranquil, excepting occasional reports of border incursions. There are institutional mechanisms in place to meet any untoward incident on the border. Nevertheless, the security of the country, its territorial integrity and sovereignty warrant military preparedness to cope with any kind of eventualities.