Challenges for the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) Chemical science has a direct relationship with human life. In order to celebrate the value of chemistry, the United Nations (UN) has declared 2011 as the ‘International Year of Chemistry’. Various bodies of the UN including UNESCO and other organisations like the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) and the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) have been entrusted with popularising the science of chemistry. Ajey Lele | September 2011 | Strategic Analysis
India–Bangladesh Land Border: A Flawed Inheritance and a Problematic Future India shares 4095 kilometres of land and river boundaries with Bangladesh. The border is porous, criss-crossed by rivers and hilly and mountainous terrain which has made the guarding of this border extremely difficult. Border is a political construction. People living in the villages adjacent to the border do not subscribe to any concept of nationality or recognise the boundaries of the nation state. For the people living in the ‘borderlands’, a non-existent line bars them from leading the natural existence they have led for centuries. Smruti S. Pattanaik | September 2011 | Strategic Analysis
Rajapaksa’s Sri Lanka: Time to Move Beyond Complacency Much water has flown down the Mahaveli since the elimination of V. Prabhakaran and decimation of LTTE, the terror outfit he led, in Sri Lanka in May 2009. President Mahinda Rajapaksa cashed in on the situation well; he called for a new presidential election two years before expiration of his term and won it convincingly in January 2010. His party secured an easy and emphatic victory in the subsequent parliamentary elections, short of a two-thirds majority, in April 2010. Ashok K. Behuria | September 2011 | Strategic Analysis
Is the Mumbai Police Geared up to the Task of Combating Terrorism? This Issue Brief reviews the progress or lack thereof on the front of modernization of police forces under the Modernisation of Police Forces (MPF) Scheme, with specific reference to the Mumbai Police. Amit Kumar | August 30, 2011 | Issue Brief
Issues Before the 7th Biological Weapons Review Conference Given its record and its efforts to promote bio-security and bio-safety, India should adopt a proactive role in strengthening the BTWC further. Arvind Gupta | August 30, 2011 | IDSA Comments
Why India’s Coastal Security Arrangement Falters? If India’s coastal security has to become strong, it is essential for the police forces in the coastal states to shed their land centric outlook and turn their attention to coastal security duties as well. Pushpita Das | August 26, 2011 | IDSA Comments
The Reunification of the Two Koreas: Diplomatic Factors In a multi-polar international order and in view of Asia’s growing economy, understanding the PRC and India would be an ongoing task for the ROK in its diplomatic efforts towards reunification. Jiye Kim | August 24, 2011 | IDSA Comments
The Reunification of the Two Koreas: Diplomatic Factors In a multi-polar international order and in view of Asia’s growing economy, understanding the PRC and India would be an ongoing task for the ROK in its diplomatic efforts towards reunification. Jiye Kim | August 24, 2011 | IDSA Comments
China launches a communications satellite for Pakistan China’s launch of Pakistan’s first communications satellite demonstrates a deepening of their technological cooperation. Ajey Lele | August 24, 2011 | IDSA Comments
NASR: A Disadvantage for Pakistan It makes little sense whether a strategic or tactical nuclear weapon is used by Pakistan, since India’s general response would be to carry out a punitive attack on the adversary. Reshmi Kazi | August 19, 2011 | IDSA Comments