An Indian Anti-Nuclear Movement? An anti-nuclear movement in India would remain largely a marginal movement with sporadic spurts depending on the issue at hand, the site in question and the political parties involved. Jayita Sarkar July 28, 2011 IDSA Comments
Chemical Weapons in Sri Lanka During the Eelam Wars in Sri Lanka, there was considerable concern about the use of chemical weapons. Allegedly, both the LTTE and Sri Lankan army had possessed such weapons. However,… Continue reading Chemical Weapons in Sri Lanka Gulbin Sultana July-December 2011 CBW Magazine
Biological agents: Uncontrolled entry of exotic pathogens a major dent for Indian economy and security The history of use of biological agents (BW) date backs to 595BC, where extracts of toxic plants hellebore was used to poison the water supply of town Delphi during first… Continue reading Biological agents: Uncontrolled entry of exotic pathogens a major dent for Indian economy and security Y. Ashok Babu July-December 2011 CBW Magazine
An Overview of the Advances Made in Biotechnology and Related BTWC Concerns This paper is a collation of information available from literature in public domain. Introduction The Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC) entails prohibition of the development, production and stockpiling and… Continue reading An Overview of the Advances Made in Biotechnology and Related BTWC Concerns B. M. Gandhi July-December 2011 CBW Magazine
Why Mumbai? Why Now? The desire for visibility incentivises groups like the Indian Mujahideen to engage in ‘costly-signalling’ through terror strikes. Namrata Goswami July 27, 2011 IDSA Comments
Weapons of War: State Actors and Chemical Weapon through the Years Like the other weapons of mass destruction, Chemical warfare agents (Chemical weapons-CW) have all the appalling elements which represent a serious danger to the living beings at large. Countries like… Continue reading Weapons of War: State Actors and Chemical Weapon through the Years Animesh Roul July-December 2011 CBW Magazine
The Norwegian Attacks and the Prevalence of the “Sneaking Regarder” Terrorists are often wealthy, well-employed, and middle class and those who support terrorist causes are often also of a higher income bracket. Ellie B. Hearne July 25, 2011 IDSA Comments
Complex Cold Warriors: US-China Relations & Implications for India US-China relations have assumed a new dimension in recent years and reflect the various tensions and mutual suspicions that are inevitable in a relationship between an existing super power and a rising super power. Chintamani Mahapatra July 2011 Journal of Defence Studies
Chess and Go: Strategic Rivalry or Harmonious Balance? When troops are deployed on active frontier duty - even in peacetime - the key issues that face commanders are: maintaining morale, vitality and discipline for long periods. Under difficult climatic conditions or in areas far from human habitation, the challenges are multiplied..... Ravi Bhoothalingam July 2011 Journal of Defence Studies
Should India Give US Nuclear Suppliers a Reprieve from the Indian Nuclear Liability Law? If India ratifies the CSC, both the right of the operator for recourse against the supplier and any third party action against the supplier would be nullified, thus providing American companies a singular advantage. G. Balachandran July 22, 2011 IDSA Comments