The Indian Army: What the stars foretell for 2012 The Indian Army can be expected to deliver on the strategic challenges it faces, although how it does this depends on how it measures up to internal change. Ali Ahmed | December 07, 2011 | IDSA Comments
The Sino-Indian Defence Dialogue: Addressing the Persisting Security Dilemma The India-China defence dialogue assumes significance in the context of the military build-up across the border and the persistence of the security dilemma between the two countries. R N Das | December 07, 2011 | IDSA Comments
The Hills of Assam: A Glimpse of Peace Though the Memorandum of Settlement (MoS) has been received well by the Karbi people, there are certain obstacles towards its implementation. Namrata Goswami | December 05, 2011 | IDSA Comments
South Korea relives the Yeonpyeong attack by North Korea The people of Yeonpyeong Island remember with trepidation the devastating attack of November 2010. Since the Cheonan incident in March 2010 and chastened by the attack last year, South Korea has beefed up its military arsenal and strengthened its defence preparedness. Rajaram Panda | November 29, 2011 | IDSA Comments
Maoists Down, but not Out Kishanji’s demise would put to rest any possibility of negotiations between the Maoists and the government in West Bengal. His killing in an encounter, no doubt a serious blow, does not practically undermine the Maoists’ capabilities either in West Bengal or at the pan-India level. However, his unique organizational ability shall be missed. P. V. Ramana | November 29, 2011 | IDSA Comments
The Ghost of Chemical Weapons in the Arab Spring Presidential candidate Mohamed ElBaradei tweeted that ‘Tear gas with nerve agent has been used against the Tahrir Square demonstrators’. This raises the suspicion of use of chemical weapons in the ongoing struggle for democracy in West Asia. This commentary analyses the relevance of chemical weapons in the Arab Spring. Ajey Lele | November 29, 2011 | IDSA Comments
What are friends for? The supply of restricted items to Chashma via China Coming close on the heels of the Chinese decision to build two nuclear power plants at Karachi as well as the continued assistance to the construction of nuclear reactors at Chashma, Xun Wang’s case raises the worrying spectre of spotty Chinese implementation of and compliance with international export control regulations. Arun Vishwanathan | November 29, 2011 | IDSA Comments
Time to Act on the Defence Industry Front International economic circumstances are propitious for India and Indian defence companies to strike deals that would help reduce dependence on foreign sources for defence needs. Ramesh Phadke | November 29, 2011 | IDSA Comments
Three Years after 26/11 While much was promised once the city regained its balance after the attacks, on the third anniversary of this horrific incident, still a lot remains unsaid and undone. Sriya Chakravarti | November 29, 2011 | IDSA Comments
Russia Post March 2012: A Prognosis With Putin expected to assume the Presidency in March 2012, one can expect a more assertive Russia in its dealings with the West though there may not be any major changes in current policies. Rajorshi Roy | November 29, 2011 | IDSA Comments