Durban Platform for a New Climate Change Agreement: An Assessment Climate change discussions may not have collapsed but difficult and bruising negotiations lie ahead and there will be immense pressure on developing countries to accept legally binding cuts. Arvind Gupta , Akash S. Goud | December 21, 2011 | IDSA Comments
Kim Jong-Il’s Death – A prospect for change or instability? Kim Jong-Il’s death on December 17, 2011 has not only provoked concerns regarding security and stability on the Korean peninsula, but has also raised hopes of improved engagement with North Korea’s new leadership. Preeti Nalwa | December 21, 2011 | IDSA Comments
The Libyan Operation and Europe’s Role in Defence and Security Highlighting the limitations of the European Union’s Common Security and Defence Policy, this Issue Brief argues that Europe’s role as a global actor in matters of defence and security will remain constrained in the immediate future. Raphaëlle Khan | December 20, 2011 | Issue Brief
Ten Pointers for Transformation The Indian Army is undergoing the process of transformation. This, if realised, would become one among the critical factors that will assist India achieve the ability to secure its national interests. A few issues are worth flagging, even as the process is underway. Vivek Chadha | December 20, 2011 | IDSA Comments
Water Sharing between India and Bangladesh: Old Confusion and New Realities India should earnestly try to accommodate and address the legitimate concerns of Bangladesh by agreeing in principle that it will not let water flows go below a mutually agreed upon level. Punam Pandey | December 20, 2011 | IDSA Comments
General Staff Qualitative Requirements (GSQRs): Need to Address Gaps in Formulation A possible solution to preventing any avoidable increase in the lead-time of procurement caused by the voids/lacunae in the GSQRs is to put in place an expert system that is equipped with adequate Knowledge Base (KB) and Management Information System (MIS). Mahendra Prasad | December 19, 2011 | IDSA Comments
Maoists in ‘Golden Corridor Area’ The ‘Golden Corridor Area’ was reportedly formed by the Maoists in February 2008. It is essential to check their presence in this area in order to curtail their finances as well as to avoid industrial sabotage. P. V. Ramana | December 19, 2011 | IDSA Comments
China’s new great firewall and publicity offensive After ensuring that its people are only able to access ‘filtered’ news, the Chinese leadership has also decided to refurbish its image abroad through a major public relations effort. R. S. Kalha | December 19, 2011 | IDSA Comments
The Bonn II Conference on Afghanistan: A Step Forward Amidst Uncertainty Bonn II made it somewhat clear that there is at least an evolving discourse and a fleeting sense of realisation in Western capitals that Afghanistan cannot simply be abandoned once again. Vishal Chandra | December 19, 2011 | IDSA Comments
South Kordofan: The Next Case for R2P? Given the nature of violence perpetrated against innocent civilians and prolonged hostility between Sudan and South Sudan, it is imperative that the UN Security Council takes stock of the situation and acts immediately. Keerthi Sampath Kumar | December 16, 2011 | Issue Brief