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Asimakopoulou, Eleana and Nik Bessis (eds.,),Advanced ICTs for Disaster Management and Threat Detection: Collaborative and Distributive Frameworks

The World Health Organisation (WHO) defines disaster as “any occurrence that causes damage, ecological disruption, loss of human life, deterioration of health and health services, on a scale sufficient to warrant an extraordinary response from outside the affected community or area.” The recurring occurrence of various natural and man made disasters in recent decades have drawn the states’ focus towards ensuring the safety of life, as well as preparedness and mitigation measures; hence disaster management.

Role of Pakistan’s Armed Forces in 2010 Floods

When nature laid its wrath on Pakistan in July 2010, engulfing major parts of the country with devastating floods, it demanded that the nation stand tall. This led to emergence of the Pakistani army as the dominant national player in rescue missions. The army’s role gave clear evidence of careful planning, optimal utilisation of resources, sharp foresight, and bold leadership. The army conducted and participated in numerous life-saving operations, and reinvented itself during one of the toughest times faced by this war-struck country.