Arvind Gupta, Amitav Mallik and Ajey Lele (eds), Space Security: Need for Global Convergence The book, Space Security: Need for Global Convergence, is about organizing the commons of Outer Space. The international legal framework for Outer Space, which has been in place for the last four decades, has, time and again, affirmed that Space must be used for peaceful purposes. S.K. Das | April 2012 | Journal of Defence Studies
Are Drone Strikes in Pakistan Legally Justified? Pakistan as the host state for non-state actors cannot escape responsibility towards the latter’s acts whether these are committed with or without its knowledge, and it must do everything in its capacity to rein them in these groups. Ashutosh Misra | April 03, 2012 | IDSA Comments
BRICS: In Search of Unity? While their growing economic clout has brought Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa together, translating the hand holding gestures at the end of each summit into real unity is likely to remain a daunting task. Ruchita Beri | April 03, 2012 | IDSA Comments
India Africa Ties: Surging Ahead India’s relations with African countries are surging ahead in the political, economic and multilateral spheres. To an extent, this reflects India’s recognition of the economic and political transformation of Africa in the recent years. Last year, there was a spurt in the number of countries going to the polls in Sub-Saharan Africa including Ivory Coast in the west to the Seychelles in the east; the Democratic Republic of Congo in central Africa and Zambia in southern Africa. At the same time, Africa has performed quite well economically. Ruchita Beri | April 2012 | Africa Trends
Russian Presidential Elections: Domestic Realities and Foreign Policy Initiatives Although Putin's return to the presidency will probably ensure an element of continuity in the system when looked through the prism of managed democracy, bureaucratic capitalism, and widespread corruption, political and economic reforms are the need of the hour in Russia. Rajorshi Roy , Joyce Sabina Lobo | March 30, 2012 | Issue Brief
The Changing Discourse of NSCN (IM) For the first time one of the main leaders of the NSCN (IM) has acknowledged the sincerity of the Union government to resolve the Naga issue, signalling a distinctive change of discourse. Namrata Goswami | March 30, 2012 | IDSA Comments
China’s Defence Budget 2012: An Analysis China’s Defence Budget for 2012 continues to follow anticipated trend lines in keeping with its plan of carrying out Revolution in Military Affairs in a calibrated, coordinated and comprehensive manner. Mandip Singh , Lalit Kumar | March 28, 2012 | Issue Brief
Gilgit Baltistan: Pakistan’s Growing Travails and India’s Inexplicable Silence A course correction coupled with a proactive policy of nurturing the growing pro-India constituency in Gilgit Baltistan is the need of the hour. Anwesha Ray Chaudhuri | March 28, 2012 | IDSA Comments
Emerging Trends in Cyber Security The absence of agreed norms of conduct in cyberspace and the scope for conducting a myriad range of malafide activities with limited risk of retribution is leading to both vertical and horizontal proliferation of such activities. Cherian Samuel | March 28, 2012 | IDSA Comments
Japan’s Nuclear Energy Debate: A Year After the Fukushima Nuclear Crisis The massive earthquake and tsunami which triggered the Fukushima nuclear crisis on March 11, 2011 has shattered the Japanese people’s faith in the safety of nuclear power generation. Shamshad A. Khan | March 22, 2012 | Issue Brief