Eruptions in Goma – Troublesome mandate The events of the last ten days have once again focussed international attention on the DRC and lent support to voices clamouring for a review of the existing mandate of MONUSCO and the larger process by which these mandates are concretized. Akash S. Goud | December 05, 2012 | IDSA Comments
Can Nigeria’s Anti-Terrorism Law Address the Boko Haram Threat? The Act does not seem to factor in the possibility of brutal crackdowns leading to an atmosphere of further militarisation and hostility. Sneha Bhura | December 2012 | Africa Trends
The End of the Somali ‘Transition’ and the Challenges Ahead There is a collective international effort to bring about stability, but its history with its neighbours and divisions within may haunt Somalia's future. Saurabh Mishra | December 2012 | Africa Trends
SINAI: The Middle East’s New Hot Spot Since the revolution that toppled Mubarak, Sinai has become a no man’s land where jihadists from Egypt and Gaza as well as local Bedouins have begun to engage in militant activities. Rajeev Agarwal | November 30, 2012 | Issue Brief
Officers’ Promotion Policy in the Army It is desirable that policies are not tinkered with after every change of command and are allowed to stabilise over a period of 5 to 10 years before they are reviewed for their efficacy. Rumel Dahiya , Vivek Chadha | November 30, 2012 | Issue Brief
The New Defence Offset Guidelines: Challenges Ahead MoD has to assume the leadership role and provide some kind of a single-window service to the defence industry to steer the offsets in a direction that helps achieve the objective of modernisation through self-reliance. Amit Cowshish | November 30, 2012 | IDSA Comments
The Second India-China SED The SED is an important forum that can render valuable service to the cause of greater economic cooperation and work like an effective confidence building measure. Prashant Kumar Singh | November 30, 2012 | IDSA Comments
Obama’s Visit to Myanmar Obama’s visit strengthens the hands of President U Thein Sein and has raised expectation that it would encourage the Myanmar government to address the democratisation and ethnic challenges. Udai Bhanu Singh | November 29, 2012 | IDSA Comments
Renewed American Engagement with Nepal’s Maoists America’s removal of Nepal’s ruling Maoist party from the list of global terrorist groups not only recognises the party’s transformation from a “violent” political outfit to a political party committed to democratic norms, but also signals renewed US interest in Nepal. Monalisa Adhikari | November 27, 2012 | Issue Brief
Four Years Hence: A Review of the Coastal Security Mechanism While India has put in place a comprehensive mechanism for securing the country’s coasts, there is still a great deal to be done in terms of addressing issues relating to perceptions, resources as well as organisational management to ensure effective coastal security. Pushpita Das | November 26, 2012 | IDSA Comments