Decoding the International Code of Conduct for Outer Space Activities by Ajey Lele (ed.)
After becoming the first country to oppose the annual non-binding UN resolution ‘Preventing an Arms Race in Outer Space’ in 2005, the US made it clear to the United Nations that it ‘will continue to consider the possible role that [S]pace-related weapons may play in protecting [its] [S]pace assets.’ This was only a precursor to the 2006 National Space Policy of the US that has cleared the way for the deployment of Spacebased weapons by the US.
IAF Equipment and Force Structure Requirements to Meet External Threats, 2032
In keeping with the theme ‘IAF Deep Multidimensional Change 2032: Imperatives and a Roadmap’, this article focuses on the responses to the external threat challenges that are likely to be face by IAF in 2032. The seexternal challenges have been identified to be the individual Chinese and Pakistani threats as well as a combined Sino-Pak threat. The article confines itself to developing a possible force structure only in terms of numbers of combat and support aircraft of various types for 2032.
Peace is Everybody’s Business by Arjun Ray
The state of Jammu and Kashmir has been ravaged by terror for over two decades. The scourge of terror, which was largely limited to the Kashmir valley and Jammu region, cast a shadow on Ladakh, the largest district of the state. In 1999, Ladakh, and in particular the area of Kargil, earned fame for the bloody battle that was fought between India and Pakistan. The inhabitants of Ladakh, largely Muslims of the Shia faith and Buddhists, were alienated, victims of apathy and neglect, living in abject poverty and denied governance.
The Aggressor Will Always Get Away
Instant, hard and yet calibrated military, diplomatic and political response is needed since mere warnings and protestations have proved grossly inadequate to change Pakistan’s behaviour.
India’s New Science Policy is about Innovation
STI 2013 envisages the creation of a word-class infrastructure for R&D and skill development as well as encouraging the scientific community by providing adequate opportunities and better career options.