India-Japan Strategic Partnership Japan’s endorsement of India’s candidature for the four major multilateral export controls regimes seems to be the principal achievement of the Indian PM visit to Japan. Rajiv Nayan June 11, 2013 IDSA Comments
15-Years after Pokhran II: Deterrence Churning Continues Fifteen years after the nuclear tests, it is relevant to examine if deterrence remains weak in South Asia or has consolidated towards greater stability. A. Vinod Kumar June 10, 2013 IDSA Comments
Nagaland: Political and Economic Assessment Delay in coming to an agreement between the government and the major underground outfits is only creating frustration among a large section of the Naga society as well as internecine dissentions among the various factions trying to outbid each other. Gautam Sen June 10, 2013 IDSA Comments
North Korea keeps the SPT members confused The developments in the Korean peninsula indicate that the East Asian states are not really in tune with each other on North Korea’s recent missile launches. Most of these states have their national priorities while dealing with the North. Pranamita Baruah June 06, 2013 IDSA Comments
Li Keqiang Visit to Pakistan: Assessing the Outcome Wide-ranging agreements and proposals were signed and discussed during Li’s visit to Pakistan. The emphasis between the two countries continues to be ‘strategic’ – ‘strategic communication’ and ‘reinforcing strategic and long term planning’. Mandip Singh June 05, 2013 Issue Brief
Russia and Pakistan New Equation Developments in Afghanistan are a key objective of Russia’s increased engagement with Pakistan. However, Russia and India share a time tested relationship that is unlikely to be affected by these overtures. Rajorshi Roy June 04, 2013 IDSA Comments
Syria and WMD: Deepening Uncertainty Even as the uncertainty over the alleged use of chemical weapons use in Syria deepens, the cautious US response to the situation has been conditioned by the lack of viable military options as well as its Iraq war experience. S. Samuel C. Rajiv June 03, 2013 Issue Brief
Taliban’s Spring Offensive and the Consequences The Taliban spring offensive is aimed at exploiting the situation and driving home the advantage. The present lull in coalition operations and indecision on the future outlook of international forces is adding to the Taliban’s advantage. Rajeev Agarwal June 03, 2013 IDSA Comments
India-Nigeria Relations: On the Upswing India’s relations with Nigeria are on the upswing. Ruchita Beri June 2013 Africa Trends
Libya: A Case of Revolution Gone Awry? Post-Gaddafi Libya is in a phase of difficult transition. Lack of well-established political framework, threat of uncontrolled armed militias and conflicting regional and tribal identities and interests are making it extremely difficult for Libya to move ahead. Rajeev Agarwal June 2013 Africa Trends