Pakistan in Paralysis: Jailbreaks and a State in disarray The DI Khan jail-break was waiting to happen under the current PTI-led dispensation in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Ever since this government has come to power, there is complete confusion on the new policy on terrorism. Sushant Sareen | August 02, 2013 | IDSA Comments
Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant: How Safe is Safe Enough? The Koondankulam plant has finally attained criticality but doubts will continue to be raised about the safety of the reactors. What do nuclear risk assessment methods tell us about the possibility of future accidents at KKNPP? G. Balachandran , Kapil Patil | August 02, 2013 | IDSA Comments
India can be a credible partner of the NSG Some of the members are expressing unnecessary apprehensions regarding India’s membership. Unlike China, India has a track record of complying with obligations of any treaty or agreement it signs. Rajiv Nayan | July 29, 2013 | IDSA Comments
Poll time in Maldives President Waheed has opted for an early election, which is scheduled for September 7. Despite reservations expressed by many political parties, the election process is truly underway that could restore democracy in the country. Anand Kumar | July 29, 2013 | IDSA Comments
The Rise of Nationalism in Japan and China Both the Chinese and Japanese political leadership are whipping up angst and anger against each other and channelling domestic content into feverish nationalism. R. S. Kalha | July 29, 2013 | IDSA Comments
Assessing the Bodh Gaya Terror Attack With increased cross-border mobility, instantaneous access to information and easy reach to small arms, terror attacks in India are finding new targets. Udai Bhanu Singh | July 25, 2013 | IDSA Comments
Defence Offset Guidelines: Time to Correct the Imbalance The Office Memorandum has created a debate among various stakeholders, particularly the Indian IT and software-related companies which see a loss of business to the tune of $10 billion. Laxman Kumar Behera | July 24, 2013 | IDSA Comments
Fukushima Impact: A New Nuclear Safety Regulations in Japan The new nuclear regulation calls for installing additional safety measures and imposes strict conditions for re-starting nuclear reactors to avoid the recurrence of Fukushima like nuclear meltdown. Shamshad A. Khan | July 22, 2013 | IDSA Comments
Iran under Hassan Rohani: Imperatives for the region and India The victory of moderate cleric Hassan Rohani as the President and his accommodative overtures have potentials of driving Iran into a new era of relationship with the neighbourhood as well as with the US. Rajeev Agarwal | July 19, 2013 | Issue Brief
Effective Underwater Weapon Systems and the Indian Ocean Region The Indian Ocean Region (IOR) has profound strategic relevance not only for the nations in the region but also for other countries.1 The bulk of the world’s merchant fleets transit through one of the busiest sea lanes in the world, via the Malacca Straits. Also, the presence of major petroleum exports originating from the Gulf, encourage the major powers of the world to have a strategic presence in the IOR. Arnab Das | July 2013 | Journal of Defence Studies