Egypt poised for a long political battle ahead The removal of Morsi is a setback to the nascent democratic experiments in the post-Mubarak Egypt. The decision of the army seems to have been influenced more by the popular sentiments on the streets rather than the rule of law. Prasanta Kumar Pradhan July 13, 2013 IDSA Comments
The Soldier and the State in India by Ayesha Ray The Indian armed forces were inherited from the British on attaining Independence. The Indian soldier, who forms a part of the three services, has been involved in combat right from the time the nation was formed. He has always followed Field Marshal Philip Chetwode’s motto which states that the honour, safety and welfare of the country comes first always and every time; the honour, safety and welfare of the men you command comes next; and your own comfort comes last always and every time. P. K. Chakravarty July 2013 Journal of Defence Studies
Confronting the State: ULFA’s Quest for Sovereignty by Nani Gopal Mahanta India’s nation and state building project faces challenges in the NorthEast because of the simplistic, linear, and development-centric approach that has been guiding it so far. This neglects the mind set and the psyche that is sustaining insurgency and violence in the region. The Indian Union has, undeniably, won the war against the United Liberation Front of Assam (ULFA), and its support base has also reduced to a large extent. Gulbin Sultana July 2013 Journal of Defence Studies
From Protection of Shipping to Protection of Citizens and National Economies: Current Changes in Maritime Security This article analyses the alteration of the referent object for maritime security from protection of shipping and port facilities to protection of citizens and national economies. It presents a tentative answer on the extent and consequences of this alteration applied by states in a global perspective, and focuses on validating four explanatory factors on why the alteration has occurred. The time period of study is between 1991 and 2013. Stefan Lundqvist July 2013 Journal of Defence Studies
Effectiveness of Quality Assurance in Army Procurements A closed loop feedback system for ensuring the quality of the Army equipment exists. Notwithstanding this, a number of Army equipment show a high failure rate at crucial times and are, therefore, a matter of great concern. These failed equipment have resulted in a number of avoidable casualties as well as restricted operational planning by tactical commanders in the field due to the non-availability of equipment for deployment, which results from their low reliability or high rates of failure. Mahendra Prasad July 2013 Journal of Defence Studies
Learning by Doing: The PLA Trains at Home and Abroad by Roy Kamphausen, David Lai and Travis Tanner Learning by Doing: The PLA Trains at Home and Abroad analyses the Chinese People’s Liberation Army’s (PLA) training exercises and its joint international drills after the year 2000. Drawing on assorted media reports and other sources, the book has created a much-needed structured narrative on the subject. Media coverage, such as that by PLA Daily (China Military Online), has drawn attention to technological developments in PLA’s training exercises, their expanded time, and geographical span over the past decade. The PLA’s joint international drills have also been widely covered. Prashant Kumar Singh July 2013 Journal of Defence Studies
NSG Plenary Meeting: Nothing Inspiring The Prague plenary seemingly skirted the ongoing China-Pakistan nuclear collaboration, now a well known chronic weakness of the NSG. Even the public statement did not mention a single line about this collaboration. Rajiv Nayan July 11, 2013 IDSA Comments
Ouster of President Morsi and its Implications The Islamic Brotherhood, vastly experienced in handling stress situations, is not going to take the ouster of its nominee and the democratically elected President with any sense of resignation. R. S. Kalha July 09, 2013 IDSA Comments
The Increasing Complexity of the Internationalised Syrian Conflict Into its third year, the Syrian conflict has been fuelled by a multiplicity of interest groups and countries, overshadowing the initial cause of the protests. Gains for either side in Syria have come to mean corresponding losses for different regional and international stakeholders. Melissa M. Cyrill July 08, 2013 Issue Brief
Evolution of Aerial Combat Trends towards direct energy weapons (DEW), though yet to be fully mature and battle proven, indicate a major shift in the conduct of aerial combat in the coming decades. Vivek Kapur July 08, 2013 Issue Brief