EU Weapons Embargo and Current Chinese Foreign Policy This article examines the EU weapons embargo on China as a major foreign policy challenge that China’s new leadership has inherited. The article argues that the continuation of the embargo constitutes a failure of Chinese foreign policy to project China as a responsible global player. The article examines the legal framework and the political debate within the EU to emphasise that the embargo has been largely ineffective in its objective of denying advanced military technology to China. Sonika Gupta | September 2013 | Strategic Analysis
Rereading Mao’s Military Thinking Although the nature of warfare has changed beyond recognition since the 1920s and 1930s when Chairman Mao Zedong penned his main military writings, his military thoughts are still a point of reference for any discussion on military thinking in modern China. Developments in warfare have superseded Mao’s operational principles and tactics visualised in his three-stage warfare; however, his philosophical and political understanding of war has value that transcends time and space. Prashant Kumar Singh | September 2013 | Strategic Analysis
China’s Leadership Change and Its Tibet Policy Two new factors have appeared on the Tibetan political scene after the recent leadership change in China. First, the ‘spiritualisation’ of politics: paradoxically, the atheist Chinese Communist Party (CCP), also known as The Communist Party of China (CPC) seems increasingly interested in ‘spiritual’ matters. The CCP has started promoting reincarnated Lamas, known in China as ‘Living Buddhas’, in a big way. The purpose is to prepare for the post-Dalai Lama era. The second new development is the emergence of a ‘Tibet Gang’. Claude Arpi | September 2013 | Strategic Analysis
Turkey, Islamic Politics and the ‘Turkish Model’ In more than three decades, ever since the Islamic-oriented National Order Party was formed in 1969, Turkish politics has been analysed by many in terms of two straitjacketed views: Islamists trying to capture power on the one hand, and on the other hand the secularists or the state elite, with the help of the military, struggling to keep the country’s political orientation towards the West to protect Turkey as a secular state. This image of Turkey has created some confusion among strategic analysts abroad in understanding Turkey and its policies. Mehmet Ozkan | September 2013 | Strategic Analysis
India’s Maritime Diplomacy in Southeast Asia: An Assessment of the INS Sudarshini Expedition INS Sudarshini, India’s Sail Training Ship (STS), was sent on a commemorative expedition to the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) member countries for six months along the monsoon trade winds route to trace India’s civilisational and cultural affinities and rejuvenate trade and maritime linkages with its neighbours in the East. The voyage was part of the commemoration of the successful completion of two decades of India’s Look East Policy, 20 years of dialogue relations with ASEAN, and 10 years of India–ASEAN summit-level partnership. Rahul Mishra | September 2013 | Strategic Analysis
Overcoming the Ways of Matsya Nyaya Ancient Indian political thought as given in the niti (moral law) lays down that matsya nyaya (big fish swallowing the smaller fish), which is a law of nature, must be eradicated. However, in spite of best intentions it continues to prevail in internal and international politics. Society is bound together by dharma (justice), which is the great protecting principle, and economic prosperity, moral welfare and cultural advancements are the functions of justice. P. K. Gautam | September 2013 | Strategic Analysis
Northern Sea Route: Humming with Activity As the ice thins in the Arctic, the commercial feasibility of the northern sea route is increasing rapidly. Five years ago there was no activity; this year about 1.5 million tonnes of cargo will be transported through the NSR. Arvind Gupta | August 27, 2013 | IDSA Comments
National Cyber Security Policy 2013: An Assessment The public-private partnership and emphasis on research and development are the key features of the document calling for collaborative engagements and operational cooperation with industry and academia. Sanjiv Tomar | August 26, 2013 | IDSA Comments
Israel-Palestine Talks: Enablers and Prospects Prospects of a solution will hinge on the ability of the two sides to moderate their maximalist positions and the ability of the Obama administration to play the role of an ‘honest broker’. S. Samuel C. Rajiv | August 26, 2013 | IDSA Comments
Women in Maoist Ranks Women join as fighters and participate in raids and attacks on police. The military training they receive is as rigorous and strenuous as their male counterparts. P. V. Ramana | August 20, 2013 | IDSA Comments