China’s Reactor Sale to Pakistan: The Known Unknowns The reported offer of China to sell 1000 MWe reactors to Pakistan has raised a number of issues. China applied for NSG membership in 2004 only after being satisfied that it can safeguard its nuclear commerce with Pakistan even after joining NSG. It must be clearly understood that China’s application for joining NSG was at the repeated appeals of NSG and not the other way around. G. Balachandran , Kapil Patil | November 15, 2013 | Issue Brief
India-Myanmar Border Problems: Fencing not the only solution In addition to building a 10-km fence along its border with Myanmar, India should strengthen the security of the border by deploying adequate guarding forces, revise the FMR and constructively engage with Myanmar to prevent the cross-border movement of insurgents and traffickers. Pushpita Das | November 15, 2013 | IDSA Comments
Urenco is up for sale, is India interested? If Chinese companies eventually end up bidding for Urenco, there is no reason why Indian companies should not do so. India can form a joint-venture with counterparts in Brazil, South Africa and, if needed, China (even Russia) using common interests envisioned through forums like the IBSA or BRICS to enter this race. A. Vinod Kumar | November 13, 2013 | Issue Brief
Tracking the source of ‘Weapon Providers’ for NE Rebels It is well established that the armed ethnic groups in Myanmar act as the interlocking chain for the illegal weapons flow from Yunnan in China via Myanmar to the Northeast India. Reports indicate that the most effective illegal weapons trader in Myanmar is the armed ethnic group, the United Wa State Army (UWSA). Namrata Goswami | November 07, 2013 | IDSA Comments
Will Turkey be the new hub for gas? Turkey’s natural gas reserves are 218 bcf and its production is roughly 27 bcf. It relies heavily on imports to meet its domestic demand. Additionally, Turkey positions itself as a gas transit hub – importing from Russia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan and Iran and re-exporting some of it to Europe. Gulshan Dietl | November 06, 2013 | IDSA Comments
India’s ‘deep-sea mining’ capability gets a fillip India’s acquisition of a deep-sea exploration ship ‘SamudraRatnakar’ is a noteworthy development. ‘Deep-sea mining’ has now been officially recognised as a future frontier of scientific research, a notion first outlined by a National Security Council paper in 2012. Abhijit Singh | November 01, 2013 | IDSA Comments
India’s Nuclear Policy: The Year After On 11 May 1998, two events took place: (1)India carried out nuclear tests; and (2)India declared itself to be a state with nuclear weapons.1 Jasjit Singh | November 2013 | Strategic Analysis
R.I.P. Air Commodore Jasjit Singh AVSM, VrC, VM, IAF (Retd) (1934–2013) Air Commodore Jasjit Singh, AVSM, VrC, VM, IAF (Retd), aged 79, passed away on August 4 2013 after a brief illness. Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, in his condolence message, described Jasjit Singh as ‘an inspirational military leader, a brilliant strategic thinker and a prolific author on military affairs’. Tributes poured in from all corners of India and abroad. Having inspired a large number of young researchers, military personnel, diplomats and academics in strategic thinking, Jasjit Singh had a large following. Arvind Gupta | November 2013 | Strategic Analysis
Interventions: A Life in War and Peace Post-Cold War structural change (from bipolar to unipolar) brought about by the demise of the Soviet Union, redefined the role and responsibilities of the United Nations (UN). The constraints imposed by the Cold War rivalry in the UN were removed. On one hand, it ensured the smooth functioning of the UN, but on the other hand, state failure and civil strife posed challenges and provided new opportunities as well. At this crucial juncture, fortunately, the UN was led by qualified secretaries-general: Boutros Boutros Ghali (1992–1996) and his successor Kofi Annan (1997–2006). Vikash Chandra | November 2013 | Strategic Analysis
King, Governance, and Law in Ancient India King, Governance, and Law in Ancient India by Patrick Olivelle is an annotated translation of Kautilya’s Arthasastra. It has 15 chapters and three appendices, which allow the author to stay close to the original text. Jean Langlois-Berthelot | November 2013 | Strategic Analysis