Iraq crisis: Lessons for India Given India’s vulnerability to a rise in global crude oil prices as a result of its 75-80 per cent of its crude import dependency, the Iraq crisis could widen its current account deficit, while putting pressure on exchange rate, impeding government’s fiscal consolidation goal and putting off any nudge on interest rates by the Reserve Bank of India. Manish Vaid , Tushar Shah | July 16, 2014 | IDSA Comments
China’s Maritime Silk Route: Implications for India China’s announcement of a 10 billion Yuan ($1.6 billion) fund to finance the “maritime silk road plan” is a clear sign that it is serious about moving ahead with its stated plans. For India, it is instructive that the sales pitch of shared economic gains does not conceal the MSR’s real purpose: ensuring the security of sea lines of communications (SLOCs) in the Indian and Pacific oceans. Abhijit Singh | July 16, 2014 | IDSA Comments
Ebola Threat: Global Challenge and India’s Preparedness Ebola virus has been spreading exponentially. As of October 23, 2014, the total number of confirmed, probable, and suspected cases of Ebola infection stood at 10,141 including 4,922 reported deaths.1… Continue reading Ebola Threat: Global Challenge and India’s Preparedness Reshmi Kazi | July-December 2014 | CBW Magazine
Distortions in the Discourse on Modernization of Armed Forces The strategic discourse on defence and security matters in India revolves around familiar themes and sub-themes, ranging from larger issues such as the absence of a clearly articulated national security policy to somewhat fractious issues such as the higher defence management, civil-military relations and modernization of the armed forces. Amit Cowshish | July 2014 | Journal of Defence Studies
Egypt under Sisi: The Troubled Transition Continues The aspirations of the youth who protested at the Tahrir Square, the next course of action for the Muslim Brotherhood, the participation of other Islamists in the forthcoming elections and the role of military in the Sisi regime are some of the important issues which need to be resolved for the stability of the country. Prasanta Kumar Pradhan | July-September 2014 | Africa Trends
Twists and Turns in Zimbabwe’s Succession Debate The succession debate has haunted the ZANU PF right from its foundation in the 1950s. Given the fact that the leader of the party is well into his 90s, and oldage ailments are fast catching up with him, factionalism within the party has been the order of the day. Frederick Chakupa Sadomba | July-September 2014 | Africa Trends
International Response to Ebola Crisis It is believed that the current situation in West Africa is a result of the delayed response and assistance from the international community to the Ebola outbreak. However, there is evidence that some international organisations have been constantly working to contain the spread of the disease since its outbreak in March 2014. Kuhoo Saxena | July-September 2014 | Africa Trends
Shanghai Cooperation Organization and India Over the years, the scope of SCO has widened to include the interests of countries beyond the Eurasian space. For India to capitalise on the SCO it must have a clear pro-active policy, otherwise it may risk becoming a focal point of criticism by the Central Asia states like the way India is often targeted by the SAARC members. P. Stobdan | July 14, 2014 | Policy Brief
“Reinforcing the Norm Against Chemical Weapons” This is the text of the speech delivered by the Director-General of the OPCW H.E. Mr Ahmet Üzümcü at the Institute for Defence Studies and Analysis, New Delhi on September… Continue reading “Reinforcing the Norm Against Chemical Weapons” H.E. Ahmet Üzümcü | July-December 2014 | CBW Magazine
BRICS: An Effective Multilateral Forum in a Multi-polar International Order Brazil will hold the 6th BRICS Summit of Heads of State and the Governments of BRICS from 15 July 2014 to 16 July 2014. It is a coalition of emerging economies providing alternative ideas of global governance. Nachiket Khadkiwala | July 11, 2014 | Backgrounder