Of Agents and Agency Commission in Defence Of Agents and Agency Commission in Defence Amit Cowshish | December 31, 2014 | IDSA Comments
Taking Stock of the Public-Private Partnership in Cybersecurity Effective cybersecurity calls for a close partnership between the government in its role as custodian of the nation’s security, and the private sector, in both roles of information infrastructure provider as well as the provider of many critical services. Cherian Samuel | December 31, 2014 | IDSA Comments
Why Bodo Violence Continues to Recur? To prevent the recurring violence in Bodo areas, establish a land record system, improve the presence of both the state civil administration and the law enforcement agencies, and collate credible data on the flow of migrants. Namrata Goswami | December 29, 2014 | IDSA Comments
Border Fencing Will Not Stop Illegal Migration Unless fundamental factors such as vested political interests, economic compulsions and non-cooperation from Bangladesh are addressed effectively, illegal migration will continue to take place, fence or no fence. Pushpita Das | December 26, 2014 | IDSA Comments
The US-North Korea Cyber Dispute US authorities have claimed that North Korea was behind the cyber-attack on Sony Pictures. But North Korea has strongly denied this claim. Now, both countries are threatening to fight this ‘battle’ in cyber space. Ajey Lele | December 26, 2014 | IDSA Comments
India is a de facto member of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty India is already in de facto observance of the spirit of the CTBT by maintaining its unilateral moratorium on nuclear explosive testing. Given that additional nuclear tests may not be needed, it could well reconsider its current position on signing the treaty. Reshmi Kazi | December 24, 2014 | Issue Brief
India-China Relations: Time Not Ripe for a Prime Ministerial Visit Prime Minister Modi’s visit to China must take place in extremely well prepared and ‘ripened’ circumstances, after there is clarity on China’s response on vital Indian strategic concerns. Saurabh Kumar | December 22, 2014 | Policy Brief
Pakistan Is Headed For a Dangerous Denouement If the Pakistan Army fails to conclusively eliminate the scourge in the north-west, it will soon reach Punjab, which has been relatively free of major incidents of violence. Gurmeet Kanwal | December 22, 2014 | IDSA Comments
Peshawar Massacre and the Afghan Endgame The Peshawar school massacre does not appear to be a simple tit-for-tat game; it has an intricate link to the Afghan endgame in which Pakistan wants to be the victor. P. Stobdan | December 22, 2014 | IDSA Comments
The Indian Ocean Zone of Peace: Sifting ‘Facts’ from ‘Illusion’ In the event that a ZOP is announced, it is India that will stand to lose the most because its proposal will be seen as a ‘backdoor’ manoeuvre to limit the Chinese presence and an effective abdication of leadership and responsibility in the IOR. Abhijit Singh | December 19, 2014 | IDSA Comments