Giving Aero India 2015 a Make-in-India Touch There is an urgent need to conceptualise a policy framework as to what Make-in-India implies so far as defence production is concerned and how it is different from the existing policy framework. Amit Cowshish | February 18, 2015 | IDSA Comments
Some issues in respect of Indian’s nuclear liability law – I While the exact nature of the understanding between the two countries is yet to be announced and in fact may never be officially released, it is possible to offer an outline of the possible “memorandum” with possible understandings on all the three liability issues as well as the administrative arrangements. G. Balachandran | February 10, 2015 | Issue Brief
The Dependence Entrapment India’s nuclear deal with the US is driven less by technology requirements than by the need to be integrated into the global nuclear community and gain access to uranium imports for fuelling its nuclear power expansion plans. Sarosh Bana | February 10, 2015 | IDSA Comments
‘Make in India’ for Defence: A Roadmap The ‘Make in India’ drive of Prime Minister Narendra Modi offers a way of improving the country’s self-reliance in defence production. But for the MII to succeed in the defence manufacturing sector, the government needs to address some legacy issues. Laxman Kumar Behera | February 05, 2015 | Policy Brief
Obama’s Visit and the Paradox of Countering Chinese Expansionism and Western Messianism The US will continue to do what it can for blocking rapprochement between India and China or Japan and China for it knows the danger of its loss of a dominant role in Asia. Despite all the distortions of time and space, the hard geographic reality of Asia will triumph just as it happened in Europe. P. Stobdan | February 04, 2015 | IDSA Comments
The Kingdom and the Caliphate: Saudi Arabia’s Approach towards the Islamic State Saudi Arabia has joined the war against the IS and it supports more boots on the ground to tackle this challenge. Although it is employing all the options available to it, the success of anti-IS operations depends to a significant extent on the ground situation in Syria and Iraq. Prasanta Kumar Pradhan | February 02, 2015 | Issue Brief
The Lightning from Greece Strikes Germany If Greece defaults and walks out, the EU will be in crisis. Speculators will go for Spain and the EU will not be able to find the money to bail out a large economy such as that of Spain. K. P. Fabian | January 30, 2015 | IDSA Comments
Leadership and Management Theories in Indic Traditions This article aims to rediscover some key aspects of leadership and management latent in ancient Indian secular texts of statecraft and governance that are relevant in contemporary times. P. K. Gautam | January-March 2019 | Journal of Defence Studies
Wrong Weapons in Wrong hands: Ensure compliance with readiness It is in human nature to take advantage of all available resources to destroy enemies. Poisoned arrows, arsenic, poisonous fumes, hot oils, burning sulphur and other materials have all been… Continue reading Wrong Weapons in Wrong hands: Ensure compliance with readiness D. Padma Kumar Pillay | January-June 2015 | CBW Magazine
The Geopolitics of Cyber Espionage There is an intricate relationship between the methods of cyber espionage and the evolution of information and communications technology, of which information security is a key aspect. This article is an attempt to establish forward and backward linkages of cyber espionage. It examines the geopolitics, methods, role of information security technology and, most importantly, how the future of cyber espionage is being shaped by emerging technologies such as supercomputing, quantum computing and ‘big data’, from an Indian perspective. Munish Sharma | January 2015 | Journal of Defence Studies