The Iran Nuclear Deal: An Indian Perspective The Iran nuclear deal should not be seen in isolation. There has been a clear realisation in the West, especially in the US, that Iran needs to be brought out of international isolation and into the mainstream. Rajeev Agarwal | April 06, 2015 | IDSA Comments
Is the Ceasefire Agreement in Myanmar a Step Towards Political Accommodation? It may be an over-optimistic assessment to expect the present Thein Sein regime to achieve a substantive and comprehensive political accord in the run-up to the elections. Gautam Sen | April 06, 2015 | IDSA Comments
A Cyber Wing in the National Cadet Corps India’s vulnerability to cyber-attacks is going to increase exponentially with the development of infrastructure and programmes such as Digital India, National Optical Fibre Network, e-Governance, e-commerce and e-Services. The NCC provides a ready resource for picking up India’s cyber warriors in the available time frame. Davinder Kumar | April 06, 2015 | IDSA Comments
Arab Spring or Islamic State – The Case of Tunisia The recent attack on the Bardo museum and killing of foreign tourists has demonstrated that the challenge from the hardline Islamists remains. S. K. Bhutani | March 31, 2015 | IDSA Comments
Asian Participation in the London Process While Asia is home to the largest number of internet users on the planet, there is comparatively little contribution from the region to the discussions on cybersecurity. Cherian Samuel | March 31, 2015 | IDSA Comments
Geo-economic Significance of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank India needs to shape the nature and scope of the projects the bank will finance to support the Asian Century and its own re-emergence as one of the two centres of gravity in Asia. Mukul Sanwal | March 30, 2015 | IDSA Comments
Why has the Iraqi Offensive against ISIS Stalled? US authorities seem to be unusually reluctant to use air power to help the Iraqi authorities and their Iranian allies in the conduct of the Tikrit offensive. Why? R. S. Kalha | March 24, 2015 | IDSA Comments
Out of Afghanistan: US Needs to Rethink its Afghan Policy The US and other countries, including India, should open the floodgates of military and economic assistance to the Afghan state and help build the capacity and capability of its security forces and administrative machinery. Sushant Sareen | March 24, 2015 | IDSA Comments
Political Turmoil in Maldives Mohamed Nasheed, in alliance with the Jumhooree Party, poses a formidable challenge to the Abdullah Yameen government. Yameen is using the judiciary as a tool to crush this challenge and further his own political objectives. Anand Kumar | March 19, 2015 | IDSA Comments
Modi’s Visit will Herald a New Chapter in India-Sri Lanka Relations Prime Minister Modi’s visit is likely to improve the atmospherics to a significant extent, introduce a positive vibe into the process of engagement and serve as a stepping stone for deepening the relationship further. Smruti S. Pattanaik | March 12, 2015 | IDSA Comments