India’s Renewed Interest in Chabahar: Need to Stay the Course India has to play a critical role in developing and thereby realising the full potential of Chabahar port which will significantly boost its image as a proactive regional power that is building such critical infrastructure not only to maximise its financial and strategic gains but also to propel regional growth and prosperity. Ashok K. Behuria , M. Mahtab Alam Rizvi | May 13, 2015 | Issue Brief
India and Mongolia: Modi on Ashoka’s Path Nehru fought for Mongolia’s status at the United Nation. Today, Modi’s India has greater economic strength to nurture the relationship with Mongolia. P. Stobdan | May 13, 2015 | IDSA Comments
Modi’s China Visit – Allaying Maritime Misgivings For better operational cooperation, India and China need to go beyond rudimentary agreements on combating piracy and crime in the Western Indian Ocean. They need to work out an acceptable framework for functional collaboration and create positive momentum in favour of greater strategic interaction. Abhijit Singh | May 11, 2015 | IDSA Comments
Defence Manufacturing: In Search of a Composite Policy Framework It is time the MoD considered creating structures and organizations that are not an intrinsic part of the ministerial set up to implement the production and procurement policies once these are formulated by the ministry. Amit Cowshish | May 11, 2015 | IDSA Comments
The China Pakistan Economic Corridor and India India has to take a call on whether it would like to be a party to the CPEC, sit on the fence, or convey its concerns more emphatically in a bid to discourage China. Priyanka Singh | May 07, 2015 | IDSA Comments
Implications of the Taliban’s 2015 Spring Offensive Shifting the centre of gravity of fighting from their traditional strongholds in the South to the northern parts of Afghanistan in this operation is indicative of the Taliban’s shift in focus to other regions that are also in the al Qaeda’s radar. V. Mahalingam | May 06, 2015 | IDSA Comments
Crisis in Yemen: Imperatives for Region and Beyond This Issue Brief examines the various dimensions of the conflict in Yemen and analyses the conflict’s impact on the region and beyond. Meena Singh Roy , M. Mahtab Alam Rizvi , Zaki Zaidi | May 05, 2015 | Issue Brief
Bangladesh: Mayoral Elections unable to resolve Political Deadlock Confrontational politics is not new in Bangladesh. But it seems to have intensified in the last few months, especially after the unofficial main opposition, the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), decided to launch protests on the first anniversary of the 2014 parliamentary elections in order to force the Sheikh Hasina-led Awami League government to step down. The BNP considers the January 5, 2014 parliamentary elections as illegal and hence the government in power as illegitimate. Anand Kumar | May 01, 2015 | IDSA Comments
Diverging Australian and Indian Views on the Indo-Pacific Australia has a vital interest in preventing the Indian Ocean Region from becoming an arena of great power rivalry, including between India and China. The 2013 Defence White Paper clearly delineates the Indo-Pacific as an area of supreme importance to Australia. Developing a close strategic partnership with India is an important part of this strategy. Melissa H. Conley Tyler , Aakriti Bhutoria | May 2015 | Strategic Analysis
Impossible Devolution? The Failure of Power-Sharing Attempts in Sri Lanka The concept of a ‘primordial homeland’ has been at the centre of Sri Lanka’s armed struggle, in which both Sinhalese and Tamil nationalisms have used claims of ancient and ethnically determined territories to justify their right to self-determination, territorial sovereignty and armed struggle. Thiruni Kelegama | May 2015 | Strategic Analysis