An African Moment: UN Sustainable Development Goals Out of 2,900 billion tonnes, the world now has only 1000 giga tonnes of carbon dioxide to be dispersed into the atmosphere by 2100 in order to maintain the 2 degree Celsius commitment. If Africa takes the path of business as usual, it will emit around 50 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide i.e. 5.5% of the remaining carbon budget. It is under these circumstances that Africa hopes to achieve the goals of the first Ten Year Implementation Plan of Agenda 2063. Satyam Malaviya | October-December 2015 | Africa Trends
Third India Africa Forum Summit: Key Outcomes India hosted the third India Africa Forum Summit from October 26-30, 2015. The summit concluded with an agreement to set up a monitoring mechanism that will evaluate the implementation of the projects planned during the summit. It is hoped that India will work towards delivering all the promises made in New Delhi. Ruchita Beri | October-December 2015 | Africa Trends
Will China’s Economic Slowdown Dent Africa’s Rise? In the twenty first century, China ventured into Africa for new markets for goods and services, natural resources especially oil, timber, metals and minerals and for political and economic influence. There is a broad consensus amongst scholars and policy makers that China's foreign policy and diplomacy in Africa is being driven by commercial interests and domestic economic imperatives. Rajneesh Verma | October-December 2015 | Africa Trends
The Continuing Political Stalemate in Manipur Without going into the merits of the Inner Line Permit issue, the Centre should harness its resources and political and administrative skills adroitly to ensure that the State Government maintains the status quo in the matter till the next Assembly elections. Gautam Sen | December 14, 2015 | IDSA Comments
Russia and the Syrian Conflict Syria is a long-term Russian ally, before and after the demise of the Soviet Union, primarily under the presidency of the Assads, father and son, and provides the only foothold to Russia in the Middle East. Sudarshan Bhutani | December 14, 2015 | IDSA Comments
Lone Wolf Attacks: An Assessment in the Indian Context If the IS has been able to successfully recruit Indians for the war in Syria and provide technical support for their travel, it is a matter of time before they find recruits willing to employ violence in India itself. Vivek Chadha | December 10, 2015 | Policy Brief
North Korea: An Advance Frontier of India’s “Act East”? Recent developments in India-North Korea relations make it an opportune time for India to devise a new approach for its engagement with the Korean Peninsula that will help redefine its Act East policy. Prashant Kumar Singh | December 01, 2015 | Special Feature
The Need to Support Bangladesh in its Fight against Extremism The international community should strengthen the hands of the Sheikh Hasina government. It has a proven track record of working against extremists and terrorists. Anand Kumar | November 30, 2015 | IDSA Comments
Nature, Quantum & Components of Defence Expenditure and Defence Pensions IDSA was tasked by the 7th Central Pay Commission in July 2014 to conduct a study on the “Nature, Quantum & Components of Defence Expenditure and Defence Pensions”. The study was carried out in accordance with the terms of reference provided by the Commission.