Implications of the Dragon’s Rise for South Asia: Assessing China’s Nepal Policy China has always been an important neighbour to Nepal which has otherwise historically been heavily influenced by India. The ‘rise of China’ has created a more outward-looking Middle Kingdom and so its influence in Nepal has significantly increased within the last decade. As a consequence, Nepal is experiencing growing interest from China. This article aims to give some historical background to Sino-Nepalese relations and to measure the most recent impact of the ‘rise of China’ on Nepal, particularly on its economic, military and political fronts. Bibek Chand , Lukas K. Danner | January 2016 | Strategic Analysis
India and Central Asia: Untying the Energy Knot India was always aware of the enormous energy reserves within its geographically proximate Central Asian region that could potentially fulfil its energy demands. The recent visit by Prime Minister Modi to the region has proved critical in paving the way for India to finally acquire a long awaited energy stake in the region. The new developments could not have been possible without the evolving undercurrents of the new geopolitical balance of power in the region. Russia seems to be playing a conspicuous role in nudging both India and Pakistan towards cooperation in the energy pipeline. P. Stobdan | January 2016 | Strategic Analysis
Kurdistan: Ataturk to Öcalan The rise of Dawlat al-Islamiyah f’al-Iraq w Belaad al-Sham (Daesh), or Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), in the vacuum created by the war in these countries has reignited the Kurdish question that Mustafa Kemal Ataturk skilfully bypassed after World War I, when several nation-states were carved out of the defeated Ottoman Empire. The Kurdish problem began in the early 19th century when the Ottomans centralised the administration, emphasised Turkish identity, erased the autonomous Kurdish emirates and ruthlessly suppressed their protests. Sandhya Jain | January 2016 | Strategic Analysis
Assessing India’s Cyber Resilience: Institutional Stability Matters In this commentary, I will use strategic cyberwar theory1 to explain why India has a higher level of cyber resilience than several of its potential adversaries. Even if India has challenges in its government-led cyber defence,2 there are cyber resilience benefits to be drawn from the way Indian society operates, functions and is constitutionally designed and accepted by its constituents, independently of any cyber defence efforts. First, the concept of strategic cyberwar. Jan Kallberg | January 2016 | Strategic Analysis
The Arab Spring that was and wasn’t When each dictator fell, there was hope that the country might move towards democracy even if the route might prove to be long and difficult. That hope has proved to be a mirage, except in Tunisia. K. P. Fabian | December 31, 2015 | IDSA Comments
2015: A Year of Work-in-Progress for Defence The issues confronting the defence establishment at the beginning of the year broadly related to defence policy, human resource management and operational preparedness. Amit Cowshish | December 29, 2015 | IDSA Comments
For Successful Implementation of the Land Boundary Agreement with Bangladesh It is essential in the interest of economic development and smooth rehabilitation of the affected people that funds as part of a comprehensive financial package be devolved to the West Bengal Government at the earliest. Gautam Sen | December 29, 2015 | IDSA Comments
Make in India and the Expanding Scope for India-Japan Defence Cooperation India’s defence modernisation presents enormous opportunities for the Japanese defence industry, which until recently concentrated exclusively on the domestic market in order to demonstrate Japan’s commitment to peace. Titli Basu | December 29, 2015 | IDSA Comments
What to Expect from Modi’s Moscow Visit Modi and Putin are all set not only to straighten the loose ends of existing projects but also bring new big items on the table. P. Stobdan | December 23, 2015 | Issue Brief
Flexibility from Participating Nations – Key to TAPI’s Success The sustenance of the TAPI project would be contingent upon each side’s ability to accommodate the concerns of different stakeholders in the project. Only time will tell if the projects’ stakeholders can demonstrate such an attitude. Sanket Sudhir Kulkarni | December 23, 2015 | IDSA Comments